Know these 5 tips from experts to overcome social anxiety. Learn 5 tips given by experts to help you overcome social anxiety.


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Despite recovering from Covid, people still live in depression and anxiety. Afraid to go to social gatherings. Being armed with negative thoughts, they shy away from meeting anyone. They are also afraid of being insulted. In fact experts give it the name of Social Anxiety. Suffering from it for a long time is not good for mental health. That’s why it is important to know from the expert about the ways to overcome Social Anxiety. Senior Clinical Psychologist and Director of Ananya Foundation Dr. Isha Singh is telling about this.

What is social anxiety and its symptoms?

Dr. Isha Singh says, ‘Kovid 19 (COVID 19) has created havoc in everyone’s life. Man had to reconsider his way of life. In some ways we had to find new ways of existence. Many things like going out, meeting family, spending time with friends were not possible. It had a huge impact on the psychological level. As life is getting back to normal, people are still feeling too anxious to go to malls or crowded places. If we see someone suffering from cold or cough, our mind almost thinks the worst.

Due to social anxiety i.e. social anxiety, there is always a possibility of a person being judged negatively. Worries about being embarrassed or humiliated.

What can be the reasons (Social Anxiety Causes)

Stressful life experiences and environments can cause social anxiety. This can happen because of stressful events and trauma during childhood. It can also be due to physical, sexual or emotional abuse. People lived under extreme stress due to the Corona pandemic. Because of this, social anxiety is visible more in the society. For some people, the symptoms of social anxiety subside over time. But in some people it takes the form of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), for which the help of medicine can be taken.

Here are 5 expert tips to overcome social anxiety

1 Preparing to Face Fear (Positive Thoughts)

Dr. Isha Singh explains, ‘The only way to move forward is to face our fears with forethought, preparation and action. For example if we are planning to go to the mall, estimating what we need are masks, hand sanitizers, tissues etc. This applies to all aspects of life. Take professional help if needed.

2 Take help of Sense Organ (Sense Organ)

Seeing, hearing, smelling, touching and tasting, these are the 5 functions of our senses. These senses can also help calm you down. When you’re feeling anxious, tap into these senses.

When you’re feeling anxious, smell your favorite thing. Image: Shutter Stock

Look at a favorite picture or smell a certain scent. It can be effective in removing anxiety. You can listen to your favorite song or eat some delicious food. Can feel the touch of the abdomen.

3 Distract Yourself

What is happening around rather than what is going on inside the mind. Try to shift your attention to it. If you are getting more worried, you can also start a conversation with someone. Do something that helps you take your mind off yourself.

4 Start Small

All of a sudden things cannot be perfect. So start small. Go out to eat with friends or family members first. This will get you used to eating in public or interacting with people. Try to make eye contact with people on the street or at the shopping center. Try asking about the well being of the shopkeeper. If someone starts a conversation with you, ask them questions about their hobbies or favorite places to visit. This will end your fear and hesitation. As you get comfortable, you can move on to larger activities. Be patient. Coping with social anxiety takes time

5 Do Yoga and Pranayama (Yoga and Pranayama)

Think negative thoughts. Write them down. Then write down positive thoughts that challenge them. Like I can’t do this work because of fear. Write next to it – I must deal with this particular situation. I can do yoga together, Do pranayama that controls the breath.

Yoga and Pranayama help to overcome social anxiety. Image: shutterstock.

When feeling suffocated, try to take a long breath and exhale. Deep breathing can help lower blood pressure and heart rate. Practicing yoga consistently for a few months can help reduce overall anxiety.

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