Know how to use home remedies for skin.-Know what is the method of using natural ingredients on the skin.


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We have heard since childhood that to get natural glow, only natural things should be used. This improves skin health. You must have seen your grandmothers using these home remedies. From Ayurveda to dermatologists, all home remedies are considered effective for the skin.

It depends on which home remedy will show the effect on the skin. How to use and on your skin type. Also, climate change also plays an important role in this. Many people use anything directly on the face without knowing the method. As a result, they have to face many skin problems. Today, while talking deeply on this topic, we will know which things you should leave out of your DIY list.

Before using these things on the skin, know the right way to use them.

Use rice flour or a light scrub for scrubbing. Image: shutterstock

1. Sugar for scrubbing

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, scrubbing makes the skin feel better. The dead skin of the face comes out with this natural scrubber.

Many people prefer to use sugar for scrubbing. But according to many studies, excessive use of sugar can also cause skin peeling, redness, wrinkles or fine lines, dryness and bruising. So use rice flour or light scrub for scrubbing.

2. Lemon for facial

Due to the presence of vitamin C in lemon, it is used to make face packs and face masks. But if you use lemon directly on your skin without adding it to any face pack, it can cause redness, itching and skin irritation. So don’t use it without mixing it in anything.

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3. Baking soda for face pack

Some people prefer to use baking soda for face packs. But experts believe that baking soda on the face can cause many skin problems.

The pH level of baking soda is 9, while the pH level of the skin is between 4.5 and 5.5. Using baking soda on the face can disturb the pH level of the skin. Due to which you may have problems of dryness, irritation and side effects.

tomatoes for skin
Using tomato directly on the skin can disturb your pH level. Image: shutterstock

4. Tomato juice in face pack

Using tomato juice on the skin can also help in getting better skin. But like lemon, citric acid has also been found in tomato. The use of which can also cause skin irritation. If your skin is sensitive, then you should avoid using tomatoes.

Using tomato directly on the skin can disturb your pH level and cause skin irritation and other problems.


tomato juice in face pack

Using tomato juice on the skin can also help in getting better skin. But like lemon, citric acid has also been found in tomato. The use of which can also cause skin irritation. If your skin is sensitive, then you should avoid using tomatoes.

Using tomato directly on the skin can disturb your pH level and cause skin irritation and other problems.

Before using any home remedies, be sure to know about them. Also, do a patch test before using it on the face.

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