know 5 expert tips which will help you to deal with a polyamory partner


In the running life, sometimes emotional relations are formed apart from the partner. These relationships are so deep that it is difficult to say when they turn into an intimate relationship. But when the partner comes to know about this, then the relationship starts getting sour. Sometimes it may even lead to break up of the relationship or even divorce. Some are self-confident and slowly try to wean their partner away from the attraction of the other person. When any person has an emotional relation with more than one person, it is called polyamory relation.

when the partner becomes poly

What kind of polyamory relationship is this and what should be done when the partner becomes poly. Social media influencer and therapist Riya Gandhi has explained this in detail in Polyamory.

Is polyamory infidelity in a relationship?

Knowingly and knowingly, a single person has many romantic and intimate relationships at the same time. Polyamory is a type of open or non-monogamous relationship. It follows some guidelines. The term polyamory is specifically used for people who have multiple romantic relationships at the same time.

Polygamy as distinct from

Polyamory involves committed relationships between two or more people. Usually romantic relationships. But it is essentially different from polygamy. Being in polyamory means that you and your partner have the option of dating other people.

It can also be called Throple.

Polyamory itself is known as Throple in foreign countries. It is a relationship between three people, in which everyone involved has consensually agreed to live together in a romantic and loving relationship. Polygamy involves marrying multiple partners. Whereas in polyamory relationship there is a limit. Here the person does not want to cheat his partner. But he does not even have the courage to control his emotions. Riya Gandhi says that if your partner is poly, then some questions may arise in front of you.

How do you feel?

how do you feel Where does this feeling of yours come from? Do you want to work on this feeling? How would you like to start working on this? Many such questions will come in front of you. These questions of yours show that you are feeling insecure about your partner. If so, then take your time to think. If you want to spend more time with them, try to know their likes and views instead of nagging.

If you want to spend your life ahead with your partner, here are 5 tips to help you

1 Communicate with the partner (Communication)

Communicate with them if you want to spend life with them. Try to figure out what they want to achieve from the polyamory relationship. It is possible that they feel insecure. They have different needs. All these things will come to the fore only through conversation.

2 Do not ignore them (Acceptance)

Not every person can fulfill every demand of the other person. Then he turns to a friend or a relation. Here the example of the mythological story Draupadi can be given. If you want to improve them, don’t ignore them.

Instead of ignoring your partner, accept them. Image: Adobe Stock

Increase their acceptance among themselves as well as among other people. If you want to improve them, don’t listen to people who are not able to accept them.

3 Love and Honesty

There is no rule of intimate relation. Great results can also be achieved with love and honesty.
You also have choice. If you accept a polyamorous partner, you can’t shame them. rather their needs have to be understood and accepted

4 Don’t Be In A Hurry

Don’t be in any hurry. The work done by this also gets spoiled. Its results may not come immediately.

It is not right to think too much or be in a hurry. Image: Adobe Stock

You have to wait patiently to get rid of bad addictions. Only faith and awareness can help.

5 Know Your Limits Too

Present both your expectations and your limits honestly to them. But only to a limit. If you feel that they do not want to improve themselves, then your efforts are futile.

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