Kidney Stones: Silent stones lying in the kidney can cause kidney failure, it will take only a few months, Dr. of AIIMS told the remedies



The problem of kidney stone is common, whereas people take it lightly.
Many times people also take home remedies to remove kidney stones.

Kidney Stones: It is common to have stones in the kidney. Stones can be in one or both kidneys. At the same time, there can be many small stones in one kidney. Many times, due to pain or any other reason, due to tests, stones are detected in the kidney, while it also happens that people do not know about the stone for years. However, due to the absence of any specific symptoms, people tend to neglect the stone and leave it lying in the kidney until there is no problem. Although it is dangerous to do so. The stone lying in the kidney can cause the kidney to fail.

of Delhi All India Institute of Medical Sciences In Head of the Department of Nephrology and Professor Dr. Sanjay Kumar Agarwal It is said that the stone lying in the kidney can cause the kidney to fail. Does it matter how many years, months or days old the kidney stone is? Either this stone lying in the kidney causes movement or pain or it is lying silently. The thing to keep in mind is that the stone lying silent in the kidney can cause kidney failure, so it is necessary to take measures to remove the stone as soon as possible.

Kidney can fail in just a few months
Dr. Sanjay says that if the stone lying in the kidney is causing obstruction in the release of urine, or if there is infection around the stone in the kidney or any other such problem is coming, then in such a condition 5- Not 10 years, but kidney can fail in five to six months due to stone.

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people make this mistake
Dr. Sanjay says that do not wait for any symptoms for kidney related problems. Suppose 5 or 10 years ago you had kidney pain, when it was examined, it was found to be a stone, then whether it was removed from the treatment or not, then you got relief at that time. After this people become careless towards the stone, they say that there is no problem, then why get it checked. This is the biggest mistake. Do not take kidney stone lightly. Make sure to get the information about the stone by getting regular checkups done.

If there is a stone in the kidney then do these 5 measures

, If you have come to know that you have a stone in your kidney, in such a situation whether the stone lying in the kidney does any activity or not, whether the patient shows any pain or other symptoms or not, still he must get regular ultrasound done.

, Even if you have had kidney stones in the past, you must get yourself checked at an interval of a few years or months. So that it is known that the stone has not happened again, because in such cases there are chances of getting stones again.

, If you have small stones in your kidney, then drink more water daily and take medicine from the doctor so that the stone will come out due to the formation of urine pressure, but during this time remember that it is necessary to remove the stone, do not leave it lying in the kidney.

, If the stone has come out, then after getting it checked, definitely find out whether it is not forming again.

, Dr. Sanjay says that take more than one and a half to two liters of water and other liquids daily, do not take more non-vegetarian protein because it makes stone. Eat fruits at least two to three times a day. Vegetarian can take protein diet.

Tags: Kidney, Kidney disease, Kidney donation


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