New Delhi: BJP has started its preparations for the assembly elections to be held in Karnataka this year. BJP national president JP Nadda inaugurated the Vijay Sankalp Rath Yatra in Chamarajanagar by playing drums and showing flags. In Karnataka, JP Nadda offered prayers at the Mahadeshwara temple. During this, there was a lot of enthusiasm among the workers. Significantly, the BJP has made complete preparations for the assembly elections to be held in Karnataka. While JP Nadda flagged off the Vijay Sankalp Rath Yatra, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has suffered a major setback in the state.
Ahead of the assembly elections in Karnataka, the Aam Aadmi Party has suffered a setback. AAP leader Bhaskar Rao, who was the Commissioner of Bangalore Police, resigned from the Aam Aadmi Party, along with this, Bhaskar Rao has joined the BJP, the ruling party of the state. Bhaskar Rao took the membership of BJP on March 1.
#WATCH Karnataka: BJP national president J.P. Nadda inaugurated the Vijay Sankalp Rath Yatra in Chamrajnagar by playing drums and showing the flag. pic.twitter.com/XV4nQmkra2
— ANI_HindiNews (@AHindinews) March 1, 2023
Targeting AAP, Bhaskar Rao said that there is a lack of transparency in AAP. It is run like a multinational corporation. Funds are collected in the name of fighting corruption. You can no longer grow. The whole party is in the hands of a circle. There is a lack of clarity in the party. He said that it is shameful for two ministers of Aam Aadmi Party to go to jail.
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Bhaskar Rao, who joined the Aam Aadmi Party just 11 months ago, while talking to the media said that he is very inspired by PM Modi. He said that he joined BJP after seeing the works of the PM. He said that I feel I can contribute more to BJP. PM Modi’s vision inspired me to join the party. Please tell that at present there is a BJP government in Karnataka. BJP’s strategy will be that Karnataka should once again form the BJP government. At present, BJP has made complete preparations.
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