As part of the anti-corruption campaign by the Punjab Vigilance Bureau, Patwari Jagjit Singh of the Revenue Department has been caught red-handed while accepting a bribe of Rs. 10,000. This patwari was posted in Halka Kalyan Sukha where he was taking bribe in return for submitting the transfer report. Kuldeep Singh of the same village near Bathinda had complained to the Vigilance against the Patwari.
The spokesperson of Vigilance said that the complainant Kuldeep Singh had approached Vigilance and alleged that he has about 6 acres of land in village Kalyan Sukha, in which other relatives besides his brother and father also have share. Kuldeep Singh had to transfer two kanals of his share of land to another party. In this regard, he gave his application and affidavit to Patwari Jagjit Singh's assistant Beant Singh, but despite the passage of time, the land was not transferred by the Patwari.
After this, when Kuldeep Singh went to the Patwarkhana and spoke to Patwari's personal assistant Beant Singh, he asked to speak to the Patwari regarding the transfer of land. After this, Patwari and his personal assistant Beant Singh demanded a bribe of Rs 12,000 from Kuldeep Singh for getting the work done. After the Patwari asked for a bribe, an agreement was reached for Rs 10,000. A few days ago, a bribe of 10,000 rupees was also taken by the said Patwari regarding land and bank limit.
The Vigilance spokesperson said that after the initial investigation of Kuldeep Singh's complaint, a trap has been laid by the Vigilance. As a result of which the Patwari was arrested on the spot for accepting a bribe of Rs. While efforts are being made to arrest Patwari's assistant Beant Singh. An investigation has been started against both of them by registering a case at Police Station Vigilance Bureau Range Bathinda.