IIT-Madras patent on use of Indian spices to treat cancer, clinical trials to begin soon IIT Madras patent on use of Indian spices to treat cancer clinical trials to begin soon Punjabi news


IIT-Madras patent on use of Indian spices to treat cancer, clinical trials to begin soon

Spices not only add flavor to food, but there are many spices that prove to be a panacea in the treatment of diseases like cancer. Meanwhile, researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras, have patented the use of Indian spices, which may prove effective in treating deadly diseases like cancer. Medicines made using these spices with medicinal properties are likely to be available in the market by 2028, officials said on Sunday.

He said that nano medicines made from Indian spices have shown effect on lung, breast, colon, cervical, mouth and thyroid cancer cells. However, these drugs were found to be safe in normal cells. Researchers are currently working on the safety and cost issues of cancer drugs. Safety and cost are major challenges for current cancer drugs.

He said that recently studies have been done successfully on animals. Clinical trials are now being planned with the aim of making these drugs available in the market by 2027-28.

IIT Madras Chemical Engineering Department Professor R. Nagarajan said Indian spices have been known for their health benefits since ages. Their bioavailability has limited their use. The nano-emulsion formulation overcomes this limitation. It was important to consider the stability of the nano-emulsion and this formulation was adopted in our laboratory. “Studies are necessary to identify the active ingredients and their modes of interaction with cancer cells and these studies will continue in our laboratories,” he said.

Nagarajan said nano-oncology has several advantages over conventional cancer treatment therapy. He said that there are no side effects in nano-oncology and the treatment costs less.
