If you think too much, you may be at risk of heart disease, death If you think too much you may be at risk of heart disease Punjabi news


If you think too much, you may be at risk of heart disease, death (Pic Credit: TV9hindi.com)

Heart attack has now become a health problem that is growing like an epidemic. Cases of heart attack have increased significantly in recent times. Every day such videos come out on social media, in which a good-looking person suddenly suffers a heart attack and dies on the spot. Now he is having a heart attack at a young age. Even in the age group of 16 to 25 years, the cases of this heart disease are increasing. Experts link the rising cases of heart diseases to Covid, poor lifestyle and eating habits. Along with these reasons, mental stress is also said to be a major cause of heart attacks.

Doctors say that mental stress does not directly cause heart attacks, but it increases the risk of heart diseases and creates conditions that increase the risk of heart attacks. In such a case, it is very important to have a good mental health to keep the heart healthy.

What do the experts say?

A cardiologist from Gurugram Dr. Amit Kumar Chaurasia tells TV9 that mental health is essential to keep the heart healthy. Dr. Amit said that when a person thinks too much and is worried all the time, he becomes a victim of mental stress. Due to this mental stress, stress hormones like adrenaline are released from the body. It temporarily increases heart rate and blood pressure. If mental stress continues every day, increased heart rate and high BP can lead to heart attack.

Dr. Amit explains that a person who is always under mental stress may develop inflammation in his body. which later causes atherosclerosis. It is a condition in which fatty deposits build up in the arteries of the heart, causing the arteries to narrow. There is a risk of heart attack in the future.

Bad eating habits due to mental stress

According to Dr. Amit Kumar, the eating pattern of a person under mental stress changes. Such a person starts eating too much or too little. He gets addicted to smoking and drinking alcohol and his lifestyle also deteriorates. Due to these reasons there is high blood pressure and high cholesterol in the body. Which can lead to heart attack. In many cases, blood clots also begin to form in the arteries of the heart. Due to which the veins get blocked and heart attack occurs.

How to defend?

Dr. AK Kumar, Department of Psychiatry, District Hospital, Ghaziabad, says that regular exercise and meditation are essential to avoid mental stress. Meet the experts on stress management and control. Dr. Amit also says that exercise and meditation reduce mental stress. If there is no mental stress, the mental health will also be good and the risk of heart attack will also be reduced.
