If the demands are not accepted, the farmers-labourers will protest


Farmers will protest across Punjab today. Farmers have demonstrated in different districts of Punjab. Farmers and laborers will protest the G-20 summit to be held in Delhi. Farmers are angry with the central government.

Farmers say that when the Delhi front was raised, the central government withdrew the case, MSP on the crops. Several conditions were accepted. But later the government has reneged on its promises.

Demonstration of 16 farmer groups
The farmers’ leaders say that the farmers-labourers belonging to the 16 farmers’ unions of Punjab will gather in every zone of every district and protest and blow the effigy of the Modi government at the Centre.

The organizations had also marched towards Chandigarh
Let us tell you that this is the same organization of farmers, which had marched to Chandigarh in the past. The police resorted to baton charge at many places to stop the farmers. Along with this, many farmers were detained.

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