If children’s hair is turning white then do not worry, do this remedy, hair will be naturally black and thick without harm. Home Remedies For Premature Graying Of Hair In Kids. – News18 Hindi



Many times, due to genetic problem, family history, thyroid problem, stress etc. hair starts turning white in children.
Deficiency of iron, vitamin B12, copper, zinc etc. also leads to graying of hair in children.

Home Remedies For Premature Hair Greying In Kids : If the hair is turning white after an age, then it is considered as a fashion status, but what if your little one’s hair starts turning white (Hair Greying)! When this happens, not only can your anxiety increase, but the confidence level of the children can also go down. If this happens then it is most important that you know the exact reason for this and contact the doctor. In fact, many times the reason for this is carelessness in eating, genetic problems, family history, thyroid problems, stress, excessive use of shampoos, iron deficiency etc. Apart from this, when there is a deficiency of vitamin B12, copper, zinc etc. in the body, then also the problem of graying of hair is seen in children. In such a situation, we can whiten the hair again by adopting some home remedies.

1. Use of curry leaves
Curry leaves are considered very beneficial in darkening hair. To use it, you first boil curry leaves in hot water, when the color of the water turns black, then massage the hair with water. It is very helpful in curing gray hair.

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2. Use of curd
You can mix curd and yeast and apply it on the graying hair of children. By doing this daily one can get rid of this problem.

3. Use of gooseberry
Boil pieces of gooseberry in coconut oil and massage the scalp with this oil. Hair will look black in a few days.

4. Amla and almond oil
Mix amla oil and almond oil and keep it in a bottle and massage your hair with it every night. Wash hair in the morning.

5. Use of buttermilk
If you massage the scalp with buttermilk twice a week, then the problem of untimely white hair can be cured. (Disclaimer: The information and information given in this article is based on general information. Hindi news18 does not confirm it. Before implementing these, contact the concerned expert.)

Tags: Beauty Tips, Hair Beauty tips, Lifestyle


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