Hiring drivers on the island where… cars are prohibited!

The municipality of Hydra has announced the recruitment of drivers and cleaning workers

hiring of drivers. More specifically, the municipality of Hydra announced the recruitment of a total of 6 people in the  municipality’s Cleaning Service The recruitments will be implemented with fixed-term private law employment contracts (SOH ASEP), lasting 8 months.

However, in addition to drivers, the municipality of Hydra is also looking for cleaning staff. Analytically:

DE Drivers – 4 positions
HR of External Cleaning Staff – 2 positions
It should be noted that in this announcement the locality is given points, since the permanent residents of the municipality of Hydra are preferred over the other candidates who belong to the same table of qualifications, regardless of the total number of units they collect .

Submission of applications
Those interested are invited to complete the application with code, FORM ASEP SOX 2DE/YE and submit it together with the required supporting documents, either electronically ( [email protected] ), or in person, or with another person authorized by them, as long as the authorization bears their signature certified by a public authority, or by post by registered letter, to the offices of the agency at the following


Municipality of Hydra, Hydra Postal Code 180 40, attention of Ms. Dilaveri Kalliopis (contact phone: 2298320202).

Applications close on Monday, July 10, 2023.

The announcement in detail