Here are story listening benefits for adults


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You will remember those nights of childhood, when you used to fall asleep while listening to stories from your grandmother and mother and father. That stubbornness to listen to bedtime stories was probably good at that time. Do you still like to read and listen to stories?benefits of bedtime stories for adults), According to WHO, the risk of heart-related diseases increases due to not getting enough sleep.

how many hours of sleep is necessary

According to a Forbes study, adults between the ages of 18 and 64 need seven hours of sleep.
People 65 and older should get 7 to 8 hours of sleep. 50 to 70 million people in the US are victims of sleep disorders. According to the 2021 S study, if you stop using the device at least two hours before bedtime, it will improve the quality of your sleep.

By listening to stories, the mind becomes free from all kinds of tension. Image: shutterstock

Know how reading or listening to story proves helpful in good sleep

1 Stress buster

if we listen to podcasts before going to sleep at night or any read the story, so it starts releasing our stress. Actually, forgetting everything, we get lost in the depth of the story. Which takes us to a different world. While listening, we start weaving pictures. This slowly relaxes the mind and we fall asleep.

In this regard, Dr. Christine Vaughan, medical director of the Yale Center for Sleep Medicine, explains that stories during sleeping time work to free our mind from all kinds of troubles. In such a situation, adrenaline hormone is released from the body, which relieves us of stress and gives us good sleep.

Reason of happiness

Telling and listening to stories are both fun things. If you are fond of listening to fairy tales, then this is an easy way to amuse yourself. Apart from this, getting enough sleep keeps you full of energy. This makes you feel energetic throughout the day and participate in all the activities.

3 Preparation for sleep

if you trouble sleeping He is troubled by depression and is not able to sleep even after taking many types of meditations. In such a situation, make a time to listen or read stories. Try to read aloud one or two stories before sleeping. This will calm your mind and make you sleepy. In this regard, experts say that stories free our mind from other things and keep us engaged in weaving pictures. This process leads us to sleep.

4 The problem of getting up repeatedly in sleep will go away

Some people wake up again and again late night after sleeping due to fear or for other reasons. Due to many things going on in the mind, which we were talking to someone shortly before sleeping or seeing something in the gadgets, which still in some corner of the mind Its going on. In this condition, you are not able to get healthy sleep. On the other hand, if you fall asleep after listening to stories, your mind becomes completely relaxed. Also, the problem of getting up again and again is solved.

women need to sleep more than a few minutes
It has been found in research that women should sleep 20 minutes more than men.
Image: Shutterstock

5 Improves personality by being a good listener

In today’s era, no one has the ability to listen to each other’s words. If you are able to listen to the story continuously for 10 to 15 minutes without speaking or interrupting, then it develops your listening power.

6 are helpful in setting the right routine

If you start liking listening to stories everyday, then it will become a part of your daily routine. As soon as you see it, you will start craving to listen or read a story at a particular time and then you will automatically fall asleep. By developing this routine, you will be able to enjoy quality sleep.

Who would have thought that childhood habit of sleeping after listening to stories would grow up to become a means of preparing us for sleep. Along with children, we also need to listen and read stories to get enough sleep. If you haven’t tried this tip yet, here’s an easy way to cheer yourself up the traditional way.

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