Here are skin care routine for mature skin


We work hard to maintain freshness and glow on the face. From increasing water intake to applying expensive products, they use everything. With the increase of age, gradually the glow of the face starts decreasing automatically. Aging signs start appearing, due to which we start losing confidence many times. If you also want to get flawless skin by removing the fine lines visible on the skin, then make these tips a part of your routine for mature skin care routine)

Gradually, collagen and elastin in the skin begin to end. With age, these essential proteins are not produced in the skin. Due to this, the skin starts losing its elasticity and strength. Wrinkles on the face, some fine lines start appearing near the eyes, nose and lips and with age spots start forming on the face. Apart from this, the changes that come before age on the face also depend on our bad lifestyle and environment.

Follow these tips to reduce the signs of aging on the skin and get glowing skin

Make skin aging free. Image shutterstock.

1. Wash face twice

Cleansing is the most important part of the skin care routine. If you clean the face with a good creamy cleanser, then it starts showing a different effect on your face. Do not scrub your face vigorously. There is a risk of increasing fine lines and wrinkles on the face due to harsh hand movement. For this clean face gently And then wash the face with normal water. If your skin is sensitive, choose a cleanser accordingly. Washing the face automatically removes the dirt accumulated in the skin.

2. Try Serum

Serum is a great solution to get rid of skin related problems. Along with cleansers and moisturisers, the serum formulation is enriched with ingredients that get to the root of skin problems. Along with this, a new glow starts appearing in the skin. Vitamin C Enriched Serum remove hyperpigmentation And it is useful to increase the amount of collagen. It works to keep the skin hydrated by protecting it from lack of water.

3. Apply sunscreen daily

If you are adding elements like retinol and vitamin C to your diet, then it benefits the skin. Along with this, it is also helpful in reducing the effect of UV rays. UV rays affect our skin, causing fine lines and wrinkles to appear on the face. In this case, before going out in the sun, apply it on the face.

If you apply it twice on the face, then you can get rid of the spots on the face. on index finger sunscreen in p size Spread on the face in circular motion. By taking it on the palm, the cream starts dissolving completely in the hands. At the time of its selection, keep in mind that it is necessary to have at least SPF 30.

hanikaarak sooraj kee kiranon se sunscreen bachaatee hain
Sunscreen protects against harmful sun rays, image shutterstock

4. Retinol will give glow to the skin

To reduce the effect of anti-aging, applying retinol on the face can prove beneficial. Retinol, rich in vitamin A, also works to produce skin cells and collagen. Retinol, which gives quick results, works to reduce hyperpigmentation and wrinkles on the face. For healthy skin, apply retinol on the face once or twice a week.

Retinol works to prevent pores from clogging. Pimples automatically reduce when applied on the face. Before sleeping at night, apply one to two drops of retinol on the face with the help of index finger. Applying it while sleeping at night gives better results.

5. Exfoliation is important

It is very important to exfoliate the face once or twice a week. It is important to add an exfoliator like glycolic acid or lactic acid to your skin care routine. Many times dead skin cells remain in the skin for a long time. Due to this the skin starts to look dry. Regular exfoliation makes your skin healthy.

read this also- Wrinkles under the eyes are showing you over age, so control them with these 6 tips


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