Here are side effects of rubbing ice on your face.- Rubbing ice on the face can also be a risk factor.


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Many people like to do facials at home without going to the parlour. Because it avoids chemicals and also does not cut pocket. There is a list of many home facials to bring glow on the face and one of them is ice facial. Many actresses also suggest facials with ice, after which it became more popular. But do you know that ice facials can also have some disadvantages.

For soothing the face, we all apply ice to reduce puffy eyes. And now that summer is here, most people turn to facial icing for sun-stressed skin and other skincare issues.

What experts say about ice facials

Dermatologist Dr Ankur Serin explains in one of his Instagram posts that the science behind this is quite simple – if you apply something cold to your face, your blood vessels constrict, which reduces swelling. It also conceals dark circles, minimizes pores and revitalizes your skin.

Before you too join the race and start your ice facial first of all know that all these effects are reverse and not long lasting. It may work for 30 minutes or more but that’s it.

Also, applying something too cold to the skin can cause blisters and kill your skin cells.

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Do not apply on sensitive skin

If you have sensitive skin, then you should avoid rubbing ice on your face as it can damage your skin cells. Sensitive facial skin cells are very delicate, if you rub ice on it then its cells may break. Which can cause swelling on your face and the face can also become red, so whenever you have to apply ice on a sensitive face, wrap the ice in a clean cloth and use it.

Rubbing ice for a long time can damage the skin

By rubbing ice on the face for a long time, it can cause redness of the face and swelling on the face, so apply ice on the face for a short time, use it only as long as it is needed. Long-term ice can dry out your face.

ice does not cure acne

You must have heard that by applying ice, pimples, wrinkles or circles under the eyes end, but this is not true at all. Ice only fixes the face temporarily and may make it look stiff for some time but ice does nothing for these long term problems. You definitely make ice a part of your skin care routine, but it does not work in any way in the treatment of your skin.

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Sinus and migraine patients should be careful

People suffering from sinus and migraine should be careful about rubbing ice on the face as it can make their pain worse. Applying ice can relieve sinus and migraine pain.

Think twice before applying anything on your face. images adobe stock

how to do ice facial

Don’t put something on your face just because many actresses are using it, because everyone’s skin is different and the effects of anything on it can be different.

Apply ice only on the face for 15 minutes. It is important to avoid applying ice directly on the face. Always use it wrapped in a cloth or towel.

If your skin is sensitive, do not apply it on your face at all. Remember ice does not cure acne, so do not apply ice on acne. It is very important to consult your doctor before using anything.

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