here are 5 effective ice cube masks for summer season


Summer and sunburn seem to have a close relationship. With the onset of summer, the problem of sunburn, tanning and sweating is seen the most. Getting out of the house for five minutes is no less than a war. In such a situation, the problem of dullness and dark spots on the skin also becomes maximum. Now it is not possible to get parlor treatment done daily with busy schedule, but skin can definitely be saved by making slight changes in skin routine. To solve this problem of yours, we have come up with 5 such ice cube masks, which will help in giving relief to your skin from summer problems.

Know here how to prepare ice facemask –

If you do not get time to make facemask daily, then you can do skin care daily in these ways. You can store them for 2 days.

Tomato juice removes tanning. Image- shutterstock.

1. Tomato and Honeymask

To prepare Tomato and Honeymask, take 2 chopped tomatoes in a bowl. Now put it in a mixie jar and add less than half a cup of raw milk to it. After preparing the mixture, mix 1 teaspoon honey and a pinch of turmeric in it. Now fill it in an ice cube container and keep it in the fridge for 2 hours. Your ice cubes will be ready. Massage with these ice cubes and wash your face after 15 minutes.

Tomato ice cubes can be applied daily. On rubbing it, the pores are cleaned and the skin becomes shiny. A special research in the Journal of Skin Care revealed that a compound called lycopene has been found in tomatoes. Which is beneficial in removing dark spots. Antioxidants have been found in the same honey. Which is the best compound for the skin.

2. Multani Mitti Icemask

To prepare ice mask from multani mitti, prepare a paste by mixing 2 teaspoons multani mitti, 1 teaspoon sandalwood powder, half cup raw milk, 1 teaspoon gram flour and rose water as needed in a bowl. Put it in an ice cube container and keep it in the fridge for 2 hours. When your ice cubes are ready, take one ice cube and gently massage it and leave it for 20 minutes. After this wash your face with cold water.

Multani mitti is beneficial in cooling the skin and relieving sunburn. The same sandalwood powder helps in improving the skin by relaxing it. Gram flour has also been used in this. Which is helpful in keeping the skin soft and glowing by removing dead cells. Along with this, due to the presence of rose water in it, it will help in toning the skin.

3. Aloe Vera Icemask

Aloe vera ice mask is the most effective ice mask, you can store it for 3 to 4 days. To prepare it, take 3 teaspoons of aloe vera and 2 teaspoons of rose water in a bowl. Now prepare a fine paste and put it in an ice cube container. Fill it and keep it to set. After the ice cube is ready, massage it on the face and neck and clean the face with plain water. It can also be used 2 to 3 times a day.

According to the National Institutes of Health, aloe vera gel is rich in vitamins A, C, E and B12. Along with being anti-oxidant, antifungal, antibacterial properties have also been found in it. Which helps in giving natural freshness by reducing the risk of skin infection. Its mixture with rose water will also give relief to your skin from the problem of sunburn and tanning.

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4. Rice Water Icemask

To prepare rice water ice mask, take half a cup of rice in a bowl and soak it for 3 hours. After this, mix half a cup of raw milk in a mixie jar and prepare a paste by adding 2 teaspoons of aloe vera to it. Prepare ice cubes for this too and use it twice a week. It will also work as a better scrub because of the fine particles of rice.

The mixture of rice and milk helps in moisturizing the skin and cleaning it well. The particles present in it will act like a scrub on the skin and will also give relief in the problem of dark spots and dullness.

best fruits for winter
Healthy diet is beneficial for you. Image: shutterstock

5. Mix Fruit Icemask

Your skin will be able to get better nutrition of fruits through Mix Fruit Icemask. For this grind 3 to 4 pieces of papaya, 2 strawberries, 1 banana in a bowl. Prepare this paste and put it in the ice cube container and prepare the ice cube. You can also use this ice cube mask twice a day.

According to dermatologists, the use of papaya helps to hydrate the skin and remove dark spots by removing the problem of hyperpigmentation. The same banana and strawberry help in relieving skin problems. The antioxidants and vitamins present in them help in making the skin healthy.

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