Health News: Due to the habit of drinking water frequently, you may have diseases, know how much water to drink in a day


What Happens When You Drink Too Much Water:Most of our body is made up of water, which is why we feel thirsty throughout the day. This fluid helps in controlling our body temperature and eliminates the risk of dehydration. This is why you are advised to drink water at regular intervals, although it should also be noted that excessive intake of water or any other liquid can harm health rather than benefit it. So it is important to be alert.

What is the drinking water limit?

Now this question must be coming in your mind that if you drink less water then there will be harm and if you drink more then there will be harm, so what to do? We spoke to India’s famous dietician Ayushi Yadav about this. He said that drinking water beyond the limit can be dangerous.

Why are you thirsty?
Dietician Ayushi Yadav said that there is a thrust center in our brain, which signals the lack of water in the body. At such a time, a peptide is released that signals the thrust center that there is a need to drink water.

Some people have a habit of drinking more water
Drinking water when thirsty is normal, but if you drink water without thirst, this habit is called psychogenic polydipsia. It increases the fluid level in the body, which is not good for health.

What will be the result of drinking more water?
People who drink more water, sodium levels in their body begin to decrease, in such a case, the amount of water in the cells increases, which increases inflammation. This is called hyponatremia, and is particularly damaging to the brain.

Symptoms of hyponatremia

– Headache
– Fatigue
– Lack of energy
– Nausea
– Vomiting
– Low blood pressure
– Muscle spasms
– restlessness
– to be angry
In severe cases, a person may even go into a coma.

How much water to drink in a day
Dietician Ayushi Yadav said that drinking about 8 to 10 glasses of water a day is enough, if you drink more than that, you will become the enemy of your body, so it is important to be careful.

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