Grandmothers used these two methods to detect navel prolapse Grandmothers used these two methods to find out if the umbilical cord had slipped, Know full details in Punjabi Punjabi news


Health News. Duct slippage is a very common problem. In this problem, the dhunni moves from its place and then causes many problems. Mainly affects stomach function. In fact, one of the biggest causes of sprained ankles is sudden weight lifting. Apart from this, bending down suddenly or climbing stairs quickly can also cause this condition. In such a situation, many symptoms can be seen in the body.

But before knowing the symptoms, today we will know how to diagnose tracheal displacement. Let us tell you that these methods are old and are being used since the time of grandmothers.

How to find out the noise

Press the navel with the help of the thumb

Feeling the pulsation in the umbilical cord is considered the easiest way to identify umbilical cord prolapse. You just have to the back (Back) is to lie on a flat surface. Now press the navel with the help of thumb. If you feel a pulsation in the scrotum, your scrotum is correct and in place. If you don’t feel a heartbeat, it means it’s not in place.

Measure the distance from the trunk to the feet

Now you can also follow another method. For this you have to step from the mouth the thumb (Thumb) The distance to All you have to do is measure the distance from the ankle to the toe with the help of a thread or a rope. Then measure the distance between the toe and the toe of the other foot. If there is a slight difference in the distance between the two toes, it means that the navel has changed.

There is a problem of diarrhea and constipation

Stomach upset may be the first symptom of tracheal displacement. Abdominal pain may persist or you may experience diarrhoea, constipation and nausea. In such a case, you should consult a doctor or get it done by someone who knows how to remove the umbilical cord. But don’t ignore these symptoms.
