Frequent urination is not only a symptom of diabetes, it is also a symptom of this deadly disease prostate cancer in men if facing frequent urination know full detail in punjabi Punjabi news


Frequent urination is not only a symptom of diabetes, it is also a symptom of this deadly disease

You must have seen many times that men repeatedly during the day urine There is a need to do it but many people ignore it and many people consider it as a cause of diabetes, after which the sugar level is detected on a diabetes test. Yes, but the reason for frequent urination is not found. In fact, there may be other reasons for frequent urination in men. Prostate cancer in men can cause problems urinating several times a day. But people ignore it.

What do the experts say?

Cancer surgeon Dr. Anurag Kumar says that people often associate the problem of urination with diabetes, but in all cases this symptom is not diabetes. Research in the medical journal The Lancet suggests that frequent urination can also lead to an enlarged prostate Symptoms of cancer May cause prostate cancer. This information has been revealed in a research conducted on 2 thousand patients. So if there is frequent urination and there is no problem of diabetes or UTI, then the person should also undergo PFA test. This test provides information about prostate cancer.

Cases of prostate cancer are increasing rapidly

Prostate cancer is the second leading cancer in men, the risk of this cancer increases with age in men because older men are more likely to develop prostate cancer.

Symptoms of this cancer –

– Difficulty urinating

– Frequent and urgent need to urinate

– Blood in the urine

Such symptoms usually appear as the cancer progresses. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to these symptoms with increasing age and it is also necessary to get regular check-ups from time to time. Because the symptoms of cancer are usually detected only at the last stage of the cancer, the risk of death increases and the cure rate decreases. But happily, this Cancer treatment is possible

So if you are over 40 and you are complaining of frequent urination then don't ignore this disease.
