Flaxseeds reduced bad cholesterol know how to prevent going in arteries treatment of heart disease


Flaxseeds Reduced Bad Cholesterol: Cholesterol is a very important thing for humans. It is a kind of fat which is like sticky wax. Many hormones and cell membranes are formed in the body due to cholesterol. You will be surprised to know that if cholesterol does not remain in the body then we will not be able to live for long. Actually, there are two types of cholesterol. If LDL i.e. bad cholesterol increases, then it becomes an enemy for us. But there are so many medicinal things around us, with the help of which we can avoid the risk of diseases like cancer. Flax seeds are one of them. Flax seeds not only reduce cholesterol but also reduce the risk of diseases like cancer.

Flax seeds are very medicinal food. Abundant nutrients are found in flax seeds. It is rich in protein, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. Apart from this, flaxseed contains protein, fat, carbohydrate, fiber, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, folate and geaxanthin which is very important for our health. Flax seeds not only control obesity, but they also cure many diseases. Being an omega 3 fatty acid, its regular intake is very useful for heart patients.

read this also- What is lipid profile test, how much normal cholesterol should be, when to understand that there will be trouble on the heart

Benefits of flaxseeds proved in research

Controls cholesterol- healthline According to the news, flax seeds are a great source of omega 3 fatty acids. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is also found in it. It is difficult to obtain two types of fatty acids simultaneously from any one food. Both of these are present in linseed seeds. It lowers cholesterol and does not allow inflammation in the arteries. In one study, some people with peripheral artery disease were given four teaspoons (30 grams) of flaxseed powder daily for one month. Within just one month, the level of LDL has come down drastically. At the same time, a test done on 3638 people in Costa Rica showed that regular intake of ALA greatly reduces the risk of heart attack.

Reduced risk of cancer Research has also proved that flax seeds have the ability to destroy cancer cells. Lignan is found in flax seeds. Lignan is a plant compound. It has the ability to fight cancer. It has antioxidant and estrogenic properties. It reduces the risk of cancer to a great extent. Flax seeds contain 800 times more lignan than other foods. A study in Canada found that consuming flaxseeds reduced the risk of breast cancer by 18 percent.

Skin problem-Flax seeds have anti-oxidants and phytochemical properties, which relieve wrinkles on the face in old age, as well as make the skin young and beautiful.

in digestion: The amount of dietary fiber in linseed is very high. Regular and daily consumption of linseed seeds keeps digestion strong. Linseed contains a sufficient amount of fiber, which improves digestion and relieves constipation.

Tags: Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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