Diabetes Patients Should Check Blood Sugar Twice Per Day Before after meal Ganagaram Hospital Doctor Soniya Rawat Advice



Blood sugar level should be less than 100 mg/dL before eating food.
Blood sugar level after eating should not be more than 180 mg/dL.

Best Time For Blood Sugar Test: Crores of people are struggling with the problem of diabetes. This disease is mainly of two types. The first is type 1 diabetes (T1D) and the second is type 2 diabetes (T2D). In patients with type 1 diabetes, insulin stops being produced in the body or is produced in very small amounts. Insulin is made in the body of patients with type 2 diabetes, but it cannot be used due to insulin resistance. In both these conditions, the blood sugar level of the patient increases. People suffering from this disease are advised to check the sugar level daily, so that it can be monitored properly.

Now the question arises whether diabetic patients need to check blood sugar daily? If yes, then how many times a day sugar should be checked and at what time checking is most beneficial. Get to know the answers to all these questions from the doctor. We will also know from them that what is the level of diabetes which can be considered right and in which condition people need to visit a doctor.

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How often to check sugar level?

of New Delhi Dr. Sonia Rawat, Director, Preventive Health Department, Sir Gangaram Hospital It is said that sugar patients should check their blood sugar level at least twice a day. It is considered necessary to check sugar level before breakfast and after 2 hours of lunch or dinner. If you are not able to do it twice, then do check the sugar level at least once. Your blood sugar level should be less than 100 mg/dL before meals and not more than 180 mg/dL after meals. If the sugar level is more than this, consult a doctor.

Such patients should check sugar level 3-4 times

According to Dr. Sonia Rawat, diabetic patients who are taking insulin should check their blood sugar level every time before taking a dose of insulin. Some people are advised by doctors to take insulin 2-3 times a day and some people 4 times. Insulin is usually given to patients with type 1 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes patients do not have sugar level control, then they are also given a dose of insulin.

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Tags: Blood Sugar, Diabetes, Health, Lifestyle, Trending news


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