Diabetes Home Remedies Onion Extract Reduce Blood Sugar by 50 percent Cinnamon have anti diabetes effects know details



If blood sugar becomes uncontrolled, it can cause heart attack.
The effect of excessive increase in diabetes is visible on many parts of the body.

Home Remedies To Control Blood Sugar: Keeping blood sugar control is a big challenge for diabetic patients. He keeps thinking about someone all the time, how to control blood sugar so that there is no complication. Generally, people whose blood sugar remains high and becomes uncontrollable, doctors give them insulin dose and some medicines as well. You will be surprised to know that if some home remedies are adopted, then diabetes patients can keep blood sugar under control to a great extent. This thing has also been proved in research. Today we will tell you about such effective home remedies.

According to a report by the British website Express, the 97th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society was held in San Diego, USA. In this, some researchers told the cheapest and easiest way to control diabetes. Presenting their study, researchers said that onion extract can reduce blood sugar by 50%. If people drink extract of 2 onions daily, then blood sugar can be controlled as soon as possible. Not only this, there is no risk of weight gain from onion juice. Scientists made this claim on the basis of the results found in a study done on rats. Eating onion is considered very beneficial in summer.

Apart from onion, some home remedies can prove to be very effective in controlling blood sugar. According to a report by Healthline, till now it has been proved in many researches that consuming cinnamon improves insulin sensitivity in your body and helps a lot in controlling blood sugar. People’s sugar level can increase rapidly only because of insulin resistance. Cinnamon is also considered a panacea for cholesterol. If you take a pinch of cinnamon with a glass of water daily, you will start seeing the effect in a few days. However, cinnamon should be consumed only in a pinch. Consuming it in excess can be harmful.

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Tags: Blood Sugar, Diabetes, Health, Lifestyle, Trending news


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