Children also have social anxiety problem will be solved in 7 ways confidence increase immediately



If needed, you can also take the help of a specialist.
Never force such children to speak in front of people.

Tips To Overcome Social Anxiety In Child: When children become victims of social anxiety, they are afraid to meet people and they do not feel comfortable in such an environment. Because of this, they shy away from participating in class room discussions, parties, friendship groups. In such a situation, it is the responsibility of the parents and the school to teach the child how to manage the situation and try from their side. If the child still does not feel capable of managing such situations, then you must seek the help of a professional.

Social anxiety is a common problem
Rising Children According to, shy behavior is a normal thing in children. Some children are naturally shy and find it difficult to mix with new people easily. But for children who are extremely shy, it becomes a hindrance even in everyday activities and they may become victims of social anxiety disorder.

How to get rid of children from social anxiety

1- Instead of being afraid, teach your children to face the situation. You understand their feelings and mood and motivate them in every way.

2- Before going anywhere, give the child all the information about that environment, tell about the people in advance and also tell how people can behave. By doing this, he will be able to prepare himself for the environment in advance and will not run away.

Present your own example in front of the child. For example, tell them how you too used to go through such situations and slowly things changed. By doing this, the child will not hesitate to speak his problem in front of you.

4-If you go with the child, instead of forcing him, take part in some activities yourself and set an example for the child. By doing this, the child will learn how to start after all.

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5- If your child is in preschool and he is afraid to meet people, then tell him that most of the children of his age have this problem. If he shares his point with people, then people will also help him and keep him with them.

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6- If you punish the child or call him bad in front of people, then the child will be affected worse. To keep him comfortable, you also keep talking to him. This will reduce his fear.

7-You can take the help of experts if needed.

Tags: Anxiety, Lifestyle, Parenting


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