Can you drink milk after eating chicken, mutton and drinking alcohol, know what the experts say? | can we drink milk after eating chicken mutton and after drinking beer Punjabi news


There are many myths related to our food and drink, about which we have been hearing since childhood, but in addition to being true in many things, we accept some things only because our elders told us in childhood. It has been told in There is a logic behind it or those things continue from generation to generation, but no one knows the truth and reason behind them. One such myth is that one should not drink milk after eating chicken or mutton because drinking milk after these things causes white spots on the body, so one should not drink milk after eating chicken or mutton. So let's know what is the truth behind this.

What do the experts say?

Lady Hardinge Medical College and S. S. K. HO of the Medicine Department of the hospital. D. Dr. L. H Ghotekar says that you can drink milk after eating mutton. Because no negative relationship has been found between the two. There is no scientific data available regarding either adverse reaction, but they both contain high amounts of protein, so they would be mutually beneficial. So, you can drink milk after chicken and mutton, unless you face any problem.

What do the experts say?

Similarly, many people believe that milk should not be consumed immediately after drinking alcohol. Not immediately, but yes, you can consume milk after some time, because consuming milk after drinking alcohol helps in reducing the acidity and can give good results. So it is also a complete myth that milk cannot be consumed after alcohol.

However, some people may experience digestive issues when consuming dairy and meat together, so it's best to listen to your body and choose based on your comfort. Since some people have limited digestive capacity, not digesting so much at once can lead to digestive problems and indigestion. But it would be wrong to associate it with the reaction caused by eating these two together.

Do not eat these things with milk

Likewise, consuming milk with citrus fruits can cause problems, so avoid drinking milk immediately after citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and pineapples.
