Can flu vaccine protect against H3N2 virus? Gangaram’s doctor told the reality, know the most important thing


Flu Vaccine Prevents H3N2 Virus: There has been an outcry across the country due to the H3N2 virus. This virus is a subtype of Influenza A, which spreads rapidly. In the grip of this viral infection, along with cold, there is a problem of fever, sore throat, difficulty in breathing, nausea, cough, cold and severe pain in the body. It can prove fatal for many people. In such a situation, there is fear in the minds of people regarding this virus. People are trying to know whether the flu vaccine can be effective to avoid this virus. Get to know the necessary information about this from the doctor.

of New Delhi Dr. Sonia Rawat, Director, Preventive Health Department, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Says that the flu vaccine can be somewhat effective in protecting against the H3N2 virus. The H3N2 virus mutates rapidly and its form changes, in which case the effect of the vaccine is less on it. Although there is no harm in getting the flu vaccine. The vaccine helps protect against many other viruses and strengthens immunity. People whose immunity is weak or those who are suffering from serious illness, they must get flu vaccine every year after consulting a doctor.

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Children should get vaccinated

Dr. Sonia Rawat says that intranasal flu vaccine can be given to children above 6 months of age. Intramuscular vaccine is given to the elderly. Everyone can get the flu vaccine once a year. The thing to keep in mind is that people suffering from diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, respiratory disease and other serious diseases must get flu vaccine. Before doing this, do consult a doctor. Apart from the vaccine, all people should take a healthy diet and adopt a good lifestyle to strengthen their immunity.

Ways to Avoid the H3N2 Virus

To avoid this virus, people should avoid going to crowded areas. Distance should be made from infected people. Mask should be worn while going out of the house, so that droplet infection can be avoided. Your hands should be sanitized or washed with soap frequently. Apart from this, the amount of fluid should be taken more in the food and 2-3 liters of water should be drunk daily, so that the hydration is good. If fever comes, one should rest inside the house and take over the counter medicines according to the symptoms. If the problem is more, then a doctor should be consulted immediately.

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Tags: Flu, Health, Lifestyle, Trending news


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