Calgary policemen are now starting to frisk motorists by setting up check stops.


Calgary (Punjabi Newspaper Bureau) Although check stops are made by the Calgary police throughout the year in Calgary, but on this day of the year they increase the presence of their vehicles and messages on the roads to prevent impaired drivers from going on the road. Under this campaign, last Friday's checkstop was organized at Stony Trail Southwest.

All drivers stopped at a checkpoint are asked to submit to a breath test, as current law allows officers to require mandatory alcohol screening.
If you pass a breathalyzer test, you face an immediate 90-day license suspension. Your vehicle is also impounded for 90 days and the fine is $1,000.
When you get your license back, the Interlock program requires you to have a blow box, or blow-marked vehicle immobilizer, installed in your car for one year to prevent you from making the same drunk driving mistake again.

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