According to the information received from the police, the accused threw the bodies of his brother Satbir Singh and sister-in-law Amandeep Kaur in the Ropar canal. On the other hand, they tried to erase the evidence by throwing the 2-year-old child Anhad in the Morinda canal. When the police in the case When the police got the information, a dead body has been recovered. He has not been identified yet. A case has been registered against the accused.
According to police sources, the accused’s brother wanted to grab his property. There was often a quarrel in his family about this. Even before, there was a quarrel between them about this matter. After this, the accused wanted to destroy the brother’s family. Conspiracy was hatched. The police is investigating the CCTV of the area in this case. The police suspect that the accused cannot be alone in this case. He must have done all this with the help of some other people. Now the police is investigating this case. His colleagues are being investigated, but so far the police have not found any clue. On the other hand, the arrested accused Lakhbir Singh is not cooperating with the police in the investigation.
The police have found out in the preliminary investigation that the accused killed his brother by hitting him on the head. After that, he strangled his sister-in-law with a piece of cloth. He threw them both in the Ropar canal. Later, the accused killed his nephew and threw him in the Morinda canal. In this triple murder case, Kharar DSP Karan Sandhu said that the case is still being investigated. In the initial investigation, it has been revealed that his family There is a dispute. One accused has been arrested. He is still being interrogated. Soon his accomplices will also be arrested.
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