Body is full of chubby fat? Do 5 Yogasanas to reduce fat, everyone will ask the secret of fitness



Along with mental relief, yoga is also beneficial in reducing weight.
You can practice yoga regularly at the comfort of your home.

Yoga To Reduce Body Fat: Today everyone is troubled by the rapidly increasing weight and fat accumulating on the body. Many people join the gym to reduce their weight and burn calories for hours. Many people take daily measures to control their weight and avoid diseases with the help of walking. But do you know that if you do yoga regularly while sitting at home, you can easily burn your body’s calories and make your chubby body fit and toned? Yes, for this it is important to know which yoga exercises can be beneficial for us to keep ourselves fit.

Do these 5 yoga exercises to reduce fat

Falakasana i.e. Plank pose is useful for strengthening the core muscles fast. With its regular practice, you can make the body toned and keep the body fit. To do this, you spread the mat and get into the position of pushup. Your entire body weight will be on your palm and toes. By doing this, the comb, back, hips, thigh, abs and the surrounding area will be toned.

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If you regularly practice Naukasana i.e. boat pose, then your core muscles will be strengthened and belly fat will start reducing rapidly. Not only this, hip muscles will also be toned. To do this, you lie down on the mat and while keeping the hips on the ground, raise the upper part of the body and the legs straight from the ground and make a knee posture. Your hands will be spread parallel to the floor. Stay in this pose for at least 10 seconds.

If you regularly practice Dhanurasana i.e. bow pose posture, then your stomach and core muscles will start getting stronger and the fat around your stomach and waist will also go away. To do this, you lie on the mat on your stomach and bend your knees and bring them near the waist and hold the ankles with your hands. Now raise your head, chest and thighs by stretching them as far as possible. In this posture, you hold for some time. While exhaling, keep the body on the mat.

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By doing Trikonasana, the lower part of your body, especially the thigh, back, waist, core muscles become strong and fat starts melting fast. To do this, make a distance of 2 to 3 feet between both the feet and stand straight. Now keep the right leg folded on the right side and spread both the hands to the sides till the height of your shoulders. Now while breathing, bend to the right. Try to touch the right foot with the right hand and do the same process again on the other side.

bridge pose
If fat has started accumulating on your neck, back, shoulders, thighs, etc., then you should practice bridge pose regularly. To do this, lie on your back on the mat and slowly bend your knees. Now keep your feet flat on the floor and while pressing down, raise your torso. Place your hands under your hips and keep your head and neck on the floor. Stay in this posture for some time. By doing this regularly, along with reducing weight, the problem of BP, thyroid, glutes, etc. will also go away. (Disclaimer: The information and information given in this article are based on general beliefs. Hindi news18 does not confirm these. Before implementing them, contact the concerned expert.)

Tags: Benefits of yoga, Health, Lifestyle, Yoga


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