Baking bread on gas burner is harmful, dangerous chemicals get absorbed, risk of cancer?


Bread is one of the most important things in the food of us Indians. We Indians mostly eat rice and roti. Bread is made from the flour of many other grains including wheat, maize, millet, jowar. But, the method of making roti from wheat flour is slightly different. Bread is cooked on an iron griddle. Earlier roti was baked from both the sides on tawa only. But, with the increasing trend of gas stoves, now the method of baking bread directly on the gas stove flame has come into vogue. In such a situation, many claims have been made that due to baking bread directly on the flame of the gas stove, some part of the gas gets absorbed in it. Significantly, all the inflammable gases that enter the body in any form are dangerous. All these flammable gases can also be poisonous.

According to a study, stoves burning with natural gas emit carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and some dangerous fine particles. These things have been declared dangerous for the human body by the World Health Organization (WHO). This can cause diseases like respiratory and heart related and cancer. Not only this, a study was also published in a journal called Nutrition and Cancer. In this, an attempt has been made to tell how dangerous it can be to cook any food at high temperature directly on the gas flame.

Actually, when bread is baked directly on the gas flame, then the flame remains at the highest level. In such a situation, it has also been claimed in some research that due to the high flame, a part of the gas coming out of the burner dissolves in the atmosphere without burning. In such a situation, there is a possibility that some part of the gas may get absorbed by baking roti on direct flame.

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Earlier breads were baked by pressing with cloth
When the practice of gas stoves was less in the country, rotis were baked on a hot griddle only. For this, men and women who used to cook bread used to press it with a cloth and make it puffy on the griddle itself. Although it takes a little more time to make roti with this process. Nowadays, to bake bread in less time, after baking it on one side, it is put directly on high flame. Due to this the rotis swell up like a ball.

risk of dangerous chemicals
In the year 2011, a study was done by Dr. Paul Brent, Chief Scientist of Food Standards of Australia and New Zealand. He had claimed that when food items are cooked directly on the gas flame, a chemical called Acrylamide comes out of it. This chemical is released when sugar and amino acids present in any food item burn together. This thing also applies to wheat bread. The right amount of sugar and protein is found in wheat. Actually, Dr. Paul Brent did this study on burnt toast, but the formula of toast and wheat bread is also almost the same. Toast is also made from wheat. On this basis, it is said that when wheat bread is cooked directly on the gas flame, then there is a possibility of dangerous gas coming out of it too, which can be dangerous for our health.

Everything cooked on gas flame is dangerous!
According to a report, cooking any food directly on the gas flame can be harmful. If you are fond of roasted food and you cook chicken-mutton or fish on gas flame, then these can also be harmful for you. Due to cooking food on direct flame, dangerous chemicals can also be produced in it.

Tags: Bread, Multigrain bread


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