astro scientists discover new exoplanet HIP 99770b has his own sun indicates new world more details


Scientists exploring space are constantly trying to find out whether there is any other planet other than Earth where life exists. In this regard, aliens are also mentioned many times. Is there any such species on other planets too, about which man has not been able to find out yet! In solving this mystery, scientists sometimes come to know of such incidents which are very surprising. Now a similar incident has come to the fore regarding another planet. Is this a sign of being from another world? Let us tell you in detail.

University of Southern Queensland The discovery of the new planet has been mentioned in a release presented by the The special thing is that this planet also has its own star. This discovery was published in the journal Science. published Has been done This exoplanet has been named HIP 99770b. This team, under the leadership of Dr. Thiene Curie, used the direct imaging technique and created an image of this gaseous star and its companion planet.

University doctor Simon Murphy was also included in the team. He is called the expert of stellar pulsation i.e. vibrations or vibrations occurring in the stars. He helped create a detailed image of HIP 99770b. But it was a very difficult task because this exoplanet gets lost somewhere in the brightness of its star. Scientists were surprised by its speed. Doctor Murphy says that the direct imaging technique does a very important job. But so far only 20 exoplanets have been discovered with the help of this technique.

At the same time, Dr. Theine Curie says that by combining direct imaging and astronomy together, we have been able to study an exoplanet in such detail for the first time. That is, with this combined technique, space scientists can track the atmosphere of an exoplanet, its weight and even its orbit. After this new achievement, researchers say that one day we will be able to discover any exoplanet exactly like Earth with the help of this technique.


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