Apply a face pack of Multani mitti and coconut oil on the face, not only dryness, spots will also go away, know the method



Multani mitti and coconut oil face pack helps in keeping the skin soft, supple and hydrated.
If the skin has become loose then it can be used to reduce wrinkles, fine lines etc.

Multani Mitti And Coconut Oil Face Pack: Multani mitti and coconut oil, both are considered very beneficial for the skin. While coconut oil helps to nourish the skin and keep the moisture balance, Multani Mitti works to prevent any kind of inflammation on the skin and provide coolness. In this way, if both are used together, then the problem of winter dryness can be easily removed. If your skin is of combination nature, then this face pack can prove to be amazing for you. Here we tell you what benefits the skin can get from using coconut oil and multani mitti together and how it can be used.

Benefits of applying multani mitti and coconut oil face pack

remove dryness
If your skin is dry and damaged, then mix coconut oil with multani mitti and apply it on the face. It can help in keeping the skin soft, supple and hydrated.

remove tanning
If your skin has turned black due to sunlight, then you can also use coconut oil along with multani mitti to remove tanning on the skin. Not only this, it also helps in reducing the pigmentation, pimples scars faster.

reduce swelling
If your face becomes swollen due to pimples and acne, then you should use coconut oil along with multani mitti. It has anti-inflammatory properties that work to reduce swelling.

make skin young
If the skin is getting loose then you can use this face pack to reduce wrinkles, fine lines etc. It helps in keeping the skin young.

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brought glow on the face
If you want to improve your face, then also you can use this face pack. With its regular use, the skin tone improves and the skin looks clean. Glow also appears on the skin.

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Make a face pack of multani mitti and coconut oil like this
Add 1 teaspoon Multani Mitti powder and 1-2 teaspoon coconut oil in a bowl and mix it well. Now to make the mix thinner, add a little raw milk or rose water to it. Your pack is ready. You apply it on the face for 20 minutes and wash it. You can also add 3 to 4 drops of lemon juice in this pack. By using it 2 days in a week, its effect starts appearing very quickly. But do patch test before use. (Disclaimer: The information and information given in this article is based on general beliefs. Not news18 does not confirm them. Before implementing these, contact the concerned expert.)

Tags: Lifestyle, Skin care


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