Abdominal pain, heaviness can be symptoms of stomach ulcer, can be responsible for 4 reasons, be alert in time



Persistent abdominal pain and heaviness can be caused by a stomach ulcer.
Stomach ulcer can be caused by continuous smoking.

Ulcer In Stomach: Gas or sour belching, heaviness of stomach or sudden weight loss, these symptoms may seem normal, but they can be a sign of some major disease. Stomach ulcers also have some similar symptoms. Ulcer in the stomach is not easily felt, but if there is a problem like constant stomach pain or cramps, do not ignore it. Specialist in Gastro Department, Gangaram Hospital Dr. Anil Arora It is said that peptic ulcer in the stomach is a kind of wound. This ulcer occurs when the acids that digest food start damaging the small intestine, due to which a wound is formed. Stomach Ulcer also occurs due to a type of bacterial infection, whose name is Helicobacter pylori. Let us tell you the main reasons for stomach ulcers according to the doctor.

1. Consumption of alcohol and smoking: Stomach ulcers are caused by excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking. If you are also consuming or smoking a lot of alcohol, then be careful today itself. If you see any such symptoms like abdominal pain, heaviness, sour belching, sudden weight loss, then contact the doctor immediately.

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2. Excessive use of painkillers: Stomach ulcer is also caused by continuous excessive consumption of painful medicines that provide relief in any kind of pain. That’s why avoid taking more painful medicines without doctor’s advice.

3. More spicy food: Due to lack of attention in food, there can also be a complaint of stomach ulcer. Nowadays, due to eating fast food, more fried, roasted and spicy, there can be a problem of stomach ulcer.

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4. Too Much Stress: Stress is a problem due to changing lifestyle and other reasons. Due to continuous taking too much stress, there is excess secretion of acid in the stomach, due to which the problem of stomach ulcer can occur.

Tags: Health benefit, Health News, Lifestyle


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