5 lifestyle changes may reduce cholesterol naturally Eat heart healthy foods Exercise Lose Weight know details



The risk of heart attack and stroke increases when bad cholesterol increases.
Cholesterol can be controlled by exercising for 30 minutes daily.

Tips To Control High Cholesterol: The problem of increasing cholesterol has become common these days. Along with the middle age and the elderly, high cholesterol is wreaking havoc on the youth as well. If cholesterol remains at normal level, then it gives many benefits to the body. It is a wax-like substance found in our blood. If the total cholesterol level exceeds 200 mg/dL, then the risk of heart attack and stroke increases. When cholesterol increases, it accumulates in the veins of the blood and the blood flow is not done properly. Due to this the blood flow gets obstructed and a life-threatening condition arises.

Now the question arises that if cholesterol becomes more than normal, then how to control it. Is there any way to control it other than medicines? Yes, controlling cholesterol through natural methods can also help a lot. According to the report of Myoclinic, by making some necessary changes in the lifestyle, the problem of cholesterol can be relieved to a great extent. You will be surprised to know that with these changes, the effect of cholesterol controlling medicines will also increase and your heart health will improve.

Eliminate cholesterol problem in 5 ways

Make changes in diet- People struggling with cholesterol problem should eat minimum amount of red meat and foods with saturated fats. Keep distance from junk foods. Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and soluble fiber. Consume plenty of dairy products and fruits and vegetables.

Exercise daily- Exercise most days of the week and increase your physical activities. Exercise can improve cholesterol. Exercise for at least 30 minutes five times a week or do aerobic activities for 20 minutes three times a week.

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quit smoking- Quitting smoking improves your HDL i.e. bad cholesterol rapidly. Your blood pressure and heart rate increase rapidly after smoking cigarettes, which is dangerous for health. Quitting smoking cuts your risk of heart disease in half compared to never smoking.

lose weight- Increase in body weight can lead to high cholesterol problem. You can easily control cholesterol by reducing weight. Look for ways to incorporate more activity into your daily routine. Take a walk during breaks at work.

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Minimize the consumption of alcohol Consumption of alcohol should be kept to a minimum. Excessive consumption of alcohol can increase bad cholesterol. If you do not drink alcohol, then this can prove to be a plus point for you. Alcohol can cause high blood pressure, heart failure and stroke.

Tags: Health, Heart Disease, Lifestyle, Trending news


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