3 drinks will eliminate high cholesterol, heart health will be strengthened, life will be filled in every vein



Symptoms are not visible in the beginning of high cholesterol.
It can be detected from time to time through tests.

Drinks That Reduce cholesterol: The cases of high cholesterol are continuously increasing. People of all ages are falling prey to it. Cholesterol is a wax-like substance found in our blood, which helps in building cells and hormones in our body. The normal level of total cholesterol in our body is considered to be less than 200 mg/dL. If this level exceeds 200 mg/dL, then trouble starts. The problem of cholesterol is called silent killer, because its symptoms are not visible in the beginning. By the time people come to know about cholesterol, it has reached a serious condition.

Cholesterol level is very important for maintaining heart health. Our diet has a direct effect on cholesterol level. Cholesterol becomes high due to the consumption of more trans fat. According to the report of Florida Premium Cardio, there are some such beverages, which can prove to be helpful in controlling cholesterol level. Among these, green tea, pomegranate juice and soy milk are considered the best. Today we will tell you how these drinks can be helpful in controlling cholesterol level.

These 3 things will control cholesterol

Green tea Consumption of can prove to be extremely beneficial for people struggling with the problem of high cholesterol. Green tea contains catechins, which are antioxidants. These help in reducing the level of LDL i.e. bad cholesterol. However, the right green tea water is needed, because all types of green tea are not the same. It will be beneficial to choose the least processed and most natural green tea brands.

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Pomegranate juice It is very beneficial for health. The amount of antioxidants in this juice is high. The antioxidants present in pomegranate juice reduce the amount of bad cholesterol and provide relief from the problem to a great extent. It has also been revealed in some research that apart from cholesterol, pomegranate juice can also be helpful in reducing blood pressure.

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Soy milk It is also considered effective in reducing cholesterol. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends 25 grams of soy protein every day. Soya is low in saturated fat, which can help control cholesterol. Soy also boosts heart health in other ways. This is a great option to manage cholesterol.

Tags: Health, Heart attack, Lifestyle, Trending news


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