Yoga session with savita yadav want to do surya namaskar properly first increase flexibility in body learn how to start practice



Before the practice of Surya Namaskar, definitely do Sukshyama.
In the beginning, practice Surya Namaskar at a slow pace.

Yoga Session With Savita Yadav : One of the problems of urban life is that with increasing age our activities start getting limited and stiffness in the body starts increasing. In such a situation, the practice of Surya Namaskar can be challenging for anyone. If you also have some such problem and you are not able to practice Surya Namaskar in a better way even if you want to, then first work to make your body flexible. So let us know how you can practice Surya Namaskar in a better way and that too without any problems.

pay attention
First of all, sit on your mat in Padmasan or Ardha Padmasan and lift both hands interlocked. Pull the body upwards. Hold till the count of 20. Then lower the hands and relax. Now close your eyes and meditate for some time. Concentrate on breathing. By doing this your mind and body will be ready for practice.

start small
Leave the legs open in front and shake both legs. Now make a little gap between both the feet and with counting move the feet inwards and then outwards.

Now stretch the toes of the feet once inwards and once outwards. Do this till the count of 10.

Now rotate the claws together clockwise. First rotate from the left side and then from the right side. Do this 10 times.

Now do butterfly posture. For this, sit by joining the claws of both the feet and hold the claws with the hand.. Now lift the knees and then touch them on the ground. Do this for 1 minute. Click on the video link for information about other exercises.

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Surya Namaskar steps

Pranamasana First of all, stand on the mat and by bringing both the palms near the chest, make a gesture of salutation. Now take a deep breath and close your eyes and pray.

hastuttanasanaWhile taking a deep breath, raise both the hands above the head and try to bow slightly backwards while making a gesture of salutation with the hands.

Read this also – Shashankasana and Bhujangasana make the body strong, practice like this

PadahastasanaNow while exhaling slowly, make a table top position and bend forward completely. Touch your toes with your hands.

Asva PradhanasanaNow taking a deep breath, place the palms of both the hands on the floor and while moving one leg backwards, keep the knee on the ground. Now bend the other leg and look in front while raising the head like forward.

DandasanaNow taking a deep breath, straighten both your hands and legs and come to the position of doing push-ups in a line. Hold it like this for some time.

Ashtanga NamaskarNow slowly touch your palms, chest, knees and feet to the ground and hold in this position. Keep taking deep breaths and exhaling.

BhujangasanaNow keeping both your palms on the ground, lift the front part of the body forward from between the two hands. Now hold in this posture for some time.

Read this also – do subtle exercises regularly, Small postures will give you many benefits

face downNow keep both your legs straight on the ground, lift the hip upwards. Keeping your shoulders straight, look towards your navel. Now repeat the entire asanas in reverse and complete the cycle. Click on the video link to watch in detail.

Tags: Benefits of yoga, Health, Lifestyle, Yoga


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