Yoga session with savita yadav do sukshyama to remove stiffness in the body and joints



Pay attention to your coming and going breath during Sukshyama.
One should practice yoga according to one’s ability.

Yoga Session With Savita Yadav : If we keep our body dynamic and keep ourselves more and more active, then it has many benefits. The more active the body, the more the problem of stiffness and stiffness in our joints will not be there for a long time. However, along with this we also need to take care of your eating and drinking habits. With the help of subtle movements, the muscles are stretched, due to which they become strong. Apart from this, it also helps in removing air blockage in the body, due to which the problem of joint pain etc. can be removed. So let’s know how stiffness can be removed with the help of simple subtleties.

keep in mind the three rules
-focus on breathing in and out.
Practice regularly.
Practice according to your ability.

stretch do
First of all, sit on the mat in Padmasana, Ardha Padmasana or Sukhasana and stretch your whole body upwards by interlocking both the hands. Count to 10 and then relax by lowering your hands. Now take a deep breath and leave the body completely loose.

Read this also – do subtle exercises regularly, Small postures will give you many benefits

pay attention
Now sit on the mat in a meditative posture and close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Now you chant the word Om and meditate. You can pray. You can watch the complete exercise on the video link given below.

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first practice
First of all, practice Tadasana. For this, stand on the mat and stretch the palms upwards by interlocking them. Keep the stomach and chest inwards. Do this till the count of 20 while standing on the toes. By doing this, the alignment of the body is good and many benefits are available. Now rotate your upper back completely from the right side and stretch. Then do the same on the left side. Do this 10 times.

second exercise
Stand on the mat and spread both the hands on both sides. Now, keeping calm, stretch both the hands backwards and stretch the chest forward. Then put the hands in the first position. You do this 10 times. Keep breathing. By doing this, the stiffness of the neck, back and shoulders will be removed.

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third exercise
Now you will do the backward bend of the neck. While inhaling, take the neck backward and while exhaling, tilt the neck completely forward. You do this 10 times. This will strengthen the muscles of the neck and relieve stiffness.

Read this also – Shashankasana and Bhujangasana make the body strong, practice like this

fourth exercise
Now place your hands on the waist and bend the neck once to the right and once to the left. Do this 10 times. Now rotate your neck in a full circle like a clock. Take the neck back while inhaling and bring the neck forward while exhaling.

exercise five
While inhaling, spread the hands forward and while exhaling, move backwards from the waist and take the hands back as well. Take this once to the left and then to the right. Do this 10 times. You can see the complete exercise in the video.

Tags: Benefits of yoga, Health, Lifestyle, Yoga


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