World TB Day: TB has come out in the test, don’t be sad, be happy! Dr. Urvashi of AIIMS said, these will be 3 big benefits



A TB patient can infect 15-16 people in a year.
Early detection of tuberculosis can lead to better treatment.

World TB Day 2023: Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis or Tuberculosis is such a disease, which is easily treated, but the fear of this disease is still deep inside the people. This is the reason why people are afraid to get TB tested and avoid going to the doctor, despite having mild fever, cough for more than two weeks, sputum, fatigue, etc. It is very important to have an investigation. If it is caught early, then it is not sad but it is a matter to be happy. The patient and his family get three major benefits of this, which they do not know, but today on World Tuberculosis Day, Dr. of Delhi AIIMS is giving their information here.

Delhi All India Institute of Medical Sciences (All India Institute of Medical Sciences) in the Department of Microbiology Tuberculosis Division (TB Division) Incharge, Professor Dr. Urvashi B. Singh She says that there is a fear among people about TB. That’s why they don’t go to get it checked, but know that the more you delay the TB test, the more the disease will grip you. The sooner your TB diagnosis is done in the test, it is not a matter of being sad but of being happy because you and your relatives will get many great benefits from it.

1. Treatment possible in just 6 months

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If TB is detected early in the test, then it is the early stage of your TB disease, in which case its treatment will start soon and instead of 9 months, you will be cured in just 6 months of treatment. In the treatment of pulmonary TB, you will have to take 4 pills for two months and only 2 or 3 pills daily for the remaining 4 months. In this case, you will have to undergo treatment for 3 months less.

2. Patient will have less trouble
Dr. says that TB does not remain fatal if diagnosed early. It lives like a common disease. The patient has mild fever, fatigue, cough, phlegm or phlegm and sometimes chest pain. He can also do his routine work during treatment. In such a situation, the patient’s life remains normal, but if TB is detected late, it can be fatal. This can also lead to death.

3. Stopped spreading TB infection only after two weeks
This is the most important thing about early detection of TB. After 2 weeks of starting TB treatment, the patient’s ability to spread tuberculosis ends. Droplets or aerosols coming out of his sneezing cough have almost no possibility of getting TB infection to other people.

One patient of TB can give disease to so many people

A patient of tuberculosis can also give TB disease to 15-16 other people within a year. This is a huge number. The special thing is that these people can get infected even within two weeks of getting TB and if treatment is not started then it can happen even for a year. In such a situation, to eradicate TB from the root, it is necessary that TB should be investigated as soon as possible.

TB also spreads through dried droplet and air

Dr. Urvashi says that TB also spreads like Kovid. It is transmitted to other patients by droplets or aerosols released by a patient with pulmonary TB when coughing or sneezing. It is worth noting that TB also spreads through droplet nuclei, that is, if a patient has coughed or sneezed, it has been several days and the droplet has dried or spread in the surrounding air, even then other people can get TB. infection may occur.

TB is not a hawk, do not turn patients away

Dr. Urvashi B. Singh of AIIMS says that TB disease is not a whim. It is a disease that can be controlled more quickly than Kovid. Till now the medicines of Kovid are not available but the best medicines of tuberculosis have come. TB treatment can be done within at least 6 months and maximum within one and a half to two years. The most important thing is not to turn away TB patients, do not remove them from jobs, do not imprison them in a lonely room of the house. Just wear them a mask, feed them medicine, feed them good food and let them live together. They will soon be free from this disease.

Tags: Health News, Lifestyle, TB, Trending news, Trending news in hindi, World Tuberculosis Day


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