Vitamin d deficiency causes symptoms solution and side effects for health



Due to the deficiency of Vitamin D, the bones of the body also start getting weak.
Due to lack of Vitamin D, you can also become a victim of depression and anxiety.

Vitamin D Deficiency in Body: To make up for the lack of nutrients in the body, most of the people consume nutritious diet. However, despite eating healthy food, the amount of Vitamin D starts decreasing in some people’s body. In such a situation, with some easy methods, you can not only detect the deficiency of Vitamin D in the body, but you can also keep your health healthy by being alert in advance.

With the help of Vitamin D, you can easily beat cancer, diabetes, weak bones, weak immunity and heart disease. Sunlight is considered the best source of Vitamin D. At the same time, vitamin D is also present in plenty in eggs, fish, curd, milk, juices and cereals. Come According to, know some symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in the body, by being alert, you can take special care of your health.

getting sick easily
Due to less vitamin D in the body, immunity becomes weak, due to which people start falling ill easily. In such a situation, the risk of getting seasonal flu, cold, cold, fever, cough and infection increases significantly.

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feeling tired
Due to the lack of Vitamin D, the energy level of the body decreases, due to which you start feeling tired even before doing any work. At the same time, deficiency of Vitamin D can also be seen in the body due to not getting enough sleep.

bone and back pain
Due to the deficiency of Vitamin D, the bones of the body also become weak. In such a situation, pain starts in your bones or joints. Also, back pain can also be a sign of vitamin D deficiency.

depression and anxiety
There is a direct relation between depression and vitamin D. Due to lack of Vitamin D, the stress level of people starts increasing. In such a situation, by taking more stress, you can also become a victim of depression and anxiety.

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hair fall
Hair breakage is also an important symptom of vitamin D deficiency in the body. Hair becomes weak due to lack of Vitamin D. Because of which you may have to face hair fall.

nerve pain
Vitamin D present in the nerve cells of the body is known as nociceptors. Nociceptors are helpful in feeling pain. At the same time, nociceptors also start decreasing due to lack of vitamin D. Due to which pain can start in your muscles.

gaining weight
Vitamin D deficiency in the body can also cause weight gain. Actually, Vitamin D is helpful in reducing weight. At the same time, due to lack of Vitamin D, your belly fat and weight starts increasing rapidly.

Tags: Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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