The secret of staying young is hidden in these 5 anti aging foods



Healthy diet has a huge contribution in living a long life and staying young forever.
The beauty of the face remains in foods like capsicum, water hyacinth, papaya.

Secret of young face: Everyone wants to look young forever, but for this hard work has to be done and healthy habits have to be included in life. Generally, the secret of longevity is hidden in your diet, but if you take a healthy diet, you will look 30 years old even at the age of 50. Just need to adopt it. Usually our dirty habits reduce the age. So if you improve your habits then you too can live longer.

A study by America’s John Hopkins University has also found that healthy diet has a huge contribution in living longer and staying young forever. Along with this, distance has to be made from physical activity and cigarettes and alcohol.

Anti-aging food to look young forever
healthline According to the news, there are some foods which consume reduces the effect of age on the face. This does not cause free radicals on the skin, due to which the skin always looks young.

1. HyacinthIt may be a bit surprising to hear, but hyacinth is a wonderful thing to keep the skin young forever. According to the news of Healthline, water hyacinth contains dense nutrients that keep the body hydrated. It contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and many types of vitamins, which act as an antiseptic for the facial skin.

2. Red Capsicum-There are many types of antioxidants in red capsicum which have anti aging properties. It contains a lot of vitamin C and carotenoids which help in keeping the skin hydrated. Many types of anti-inflammatory properties are also found in it, which always keep the skin young.

3. PapayaPapaya is not only beneficial for the stomach, but it is also very beneficial for the skin. Many types of vitamins, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and antioxidants are found in it, which increase the elasticity of the skin.

4. BlueberryAs much as blueberry is delicious to eat, it is an anti aging food which reduces the effect of age. This maintains fluidity in the body. Blueberry has the ability to protect the skin from damage caused by sunlight, stress and pollution.

5. Cauliflower– Cauliflower is found to have anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. Vitamin C, Vitamin K, fiber, folate, lutein, calcium and many types of antioxidants are found in it, which increases the production of collagen in the skin.

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Tags: Health, Health tips, Life, Lifestyle


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