Strange sensations numbness or tingling in hands legs or feet important symptoms of vitamin b 12 deficiency in hindi



When the nerves are weak and oxygen does not reach the body parts, there will be weakness and fatigue in the body.
Every day we need 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12.

Symptoms of Vitamin B12: The human body needs vitamin B12 every day to make red blood cells, nerve cells and DNA in the blood. Apart from this, vitamin B12 is also necessary for carrying out many functions in the body. The RBC of blood contains hemoglobin and it transports oxygen and other nutrients through the veins of the body. When the hemoglobin decreases and the nerves become weak, neither oxygen nor nutrients will reach the body parts properly. In this situation, it can be estimated that what will be the condition of the body.

This is the reason why the whole body becomes weak due to lack of Vitamin B12. Due to the weakness of the nerves, even walking becomes difficult. Vitamin B12 deficiency causes anemia. Due to this, the work of nerve and brain is not done properly. Since our body does not produce Vitamin B12, it becomes necessary for us to get Vitamin B12 from food every day. Every day we need 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12.

Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

1. Numbness in hands and feetAccording to Harvard Health, since hemoglobin decreases due to deficiency of vitamin B12, due to which the supply of oxygen is not done properly. That’s why its first effect is seen in the last end of the body i.e. the feet. It seems that there is a sudden sensation in the feet. Sometimes the feet become numb all at once. When the disease becomes more severe, the hands, legs and thighs start trembling and start trembling.

2. Difficulty in walkingNerve cells are not formed due to lack of vitamin B12. When nerve cells are not made, then the nerves will become weak. This will not control the body. This is the reason why there may be difficulty in walking. Elderly may fall while walking.

3. Anemia-Due to deficiency of Vitamin B12, there is deficiency of hemoglobin from RBC. This is called anemia disease. Deficiency of anemia in pregnant women can cause huge problems.

4. Swelling of the tongueWhen there is a deficiency of vitamin B12, the tongue becomes heavy and the tongue becomes swollen. If there is swelling in the tongue, contact the doctor immediately.

5. Difficulty thinkingThere is a problem in thinking when there is a deficiency of vitamin B12. There is difficulty in concentrating on anything. Because oxygen does not reach the brain properly.

6. Weakness, FatigueWhen the nerves are weak and oxygen does not reach the body parts, then there will be weakness and fatigue in the body.

how to cure vitamin b12 deficiency
Vitamin B12 can be obtained from milk, yogurt, eggs, dairy products, whole grains, beetroot, potatoes, mushrooms, fortified breakfast cereals, seasonal green vegetables, fresh fruits. Not only can vitamin B12 be obtained from whole grains, but many types of nutrients including protein, fiber, healthy fat can be obtained from it.

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Tags: Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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