Somewhere you are not using fake camphor vermilion and kalava, check the purity like this, it will be identified in minutes



Real camphor melts with burning but fake camphor does not even burn completely.
The original Kalava breaks easily when pulled while the fake one does not break quickly.

Original or Fake Camphor and Sindoor: The use of some things during worship in the temple is quite common. In such a situation where people use camphor for aarti. So there many people also offer vermilion and kalava to God. But do you know that often fake camphor, vermilion and Kalave (Camphor and vermilion) are also sold in the market. In such a situation, by following some easy tips, you can easily identify real and fake camphor, kalave or vermilion.

On special occasions like Navratri and Shivratri, camphor, vermilion and kalawa are mixed on a large scale. In such a situation, the fragrance of fake camphor can affect the health of the people. So on the other hand, the synthetic color found in Kalave and vermilion is also very harmful for health. So let’s know the tips to identify fake camphor, vermilion and kalava.

burn camphor
To identify real and fake camphor, you can see it by burning it. The fragrance of real camphor is very strong. While the real camphor melts as it burns. Due to which the ash of camphor does not remain. But apart from being fragrance free, fake camphor does not burn completely. In such a situation, after burning fake camphor, its ashes are saved.

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Palm Test of Sindoor
Original vermilion is completely natural, which is plucked from trees. On the other hand, fake vermilion is made from adulteration of lead and synthetic colors. In this case, to check the purity of vermilion, rub it with your hand. Now blow hard on the vermilion, in such a way the real vermilion flies from the hands. At the same time, some particles of fake vermilion stick on the hands. By which you can identify fake vermilion.

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Identify fake artefacts
People often put synthetic color on the thread to make fake Kalava. In such a situation, to find out the real and fake Kalava, you can try breaking it. For this, pull the thread fast,

In this case, the original Kalava will break easily. But you may have to apply a lot of force to break the fake Kalava.(Disclaimer: The information and information given in this article is based on general beliefs. Hindi news18 does not confirm these. Before implementing them, contact the concerned expert.)

Tags: Lifestyle, Tips and Tricks


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