Shorter people live longer than most and lower death rates study suggest small height person have fewer diet related chronic diseases



Athletes from Finland lived seven years longer than basketball players.
The risk of chronic disease is also less in humans of small stature.

Shorter People May Live Longer: Irrespective of the person’s personality, his status, but those who are of short stature, they are luckier than tall persons in one case. From this point of view, all women are lucky. Actually, humans of short stature live longer and there is less possibility of developing diseases in them. Generally women are of less height than men and this is probably the reason why women live longer than men. This is not what we say but the scientists doing research on the length of life.

This discussion has also intensified because nowadays people on social media are taking a lot of interest in the fact that people of short stature live longer.

short people live longer
To prove the scientificity of this, CNBC talked to two special scientists who have studied the length of life for years. The first of these is Jean Marie Robin who is a demography expert and has studied the relationship between health and age. The other scientist is David Sinclair, co-director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology at Harvard Medical School. First of all, Jean Marie Robin says that many years ago, human beings used to be smaller in stature than today. Because at that time the nutrition in the first year of life was very poor. That’s why his height could not develop properly. In such a situation, they used to get any infectious disease easily. He said that if we see historically, the main reason for the people who were of short stature in the olden days was that the development could not be done properly in the first year of life. But today it is not so. That’s why you will see that people who are short live longer than tall people. This thing has come to the fore in a study published in Elsevier Journal in 2003. It was said in the study that there is a negative relationship between the height of a person and the length of life.

Less chance of chronic disease

The study also revealed that people with shorter stature had a lower risk of premature death and a lower risk of diet-related chronic diseases. According to the research paper, the life span of people of short stature is more than that of people of tall stature. One study found that 2,500 Finnish athletes who were skiers were 6 inches shorter than basketball players, but lived seven years longer than basketball players. At the same time, in a study done on the army in Italy, it was revealed that the soldiers who were around 5 feet, they lived for two years longer than the tall soldiers.

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Tags: Health, Health tips, Lifestyle


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