Russian TV Channel Introduces AI News Anchor Snezhana Tumanova Present Weather Information Details


No one would have thought that artificial intelligence would make its place in our lives so fast that it is now being used as a TV anchor. Yes, you read that right, a local news channel in Russia has started using an AI based virtual anchor in its weather forecasting programme. The channel has named this AI anchor as Snezhana Tumanova and this virtual anchor also has her own social media account.

Russian TV news channel Sovoy TV on Tuesday introduced an AI virtual anchor named Snezhana Tumanova, who will provide weather information for the channel. With this anchor, the channel will run a special weather forecast episode titled ‘Future Forecast’. the channel revealed The program runs using neural networks, in which one operates the virtual anchor, another generates the text, and the third generates the graphic content. This program will be broadcast five times a day.

The channel says that their virtual anchor, who informs the viewers about the weather, is ambitious and aims to completely replace human contestants. The good thing is that none of the anchors of the already existing channel lost their jobs due to the arrival of this virtual anchor. The channel has informed that the management of the TV channel will simultaneously run the classic version of the weather forecast with human inputs.

You can watch a video of this episode from the official YouTube account of the channel below:-

Artificial TV anchor has not been used for the first time.’s AccordingChina is taking the lead in this area, with state-run news agency Xinhua News Agency launching ‘English AI Anchor’ in 2018. Since then, many outlets have followed the trend. Just last week, China’s leading newspaper, People’s Daily, introduced an AI anchor named ‘Ren Xiaorong’ who will broadcast news 24 hours a day.


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