Panic vs Anxiety Attack what is Difference both causes rapid heart rate first one occur suddenly know Symptoms and treatment



Panic attacks happen suddenly and get better in 5-20 minutes.
An anxiety attack can also point towards some disease.

Panic & Anxiety Attack Symptoms: At present, the spoiled lifestyle is badly affecting the mental health of the people. Because of this, a large number of people are falling prey to stress and anxiety. Many times people also come under the grip of panic attack and anxiety attack. Both of these are such conditions, when people get scared of increasing heart rate. Some people think that this matter may be related to heart disease, but usually it is not so. Panic and anxiety attacks can be treated with the help of a psychiatrist. However, first of all it is necessary to understand the difference between these two. People consider both these attacks to be the same, but it is not so. There is a big difference between the two.

Medical News Today report According to the reason for panic and anxiety attack is not clear. Both these disorders can be caused by genetic, medical and external factors. Generally, the cause of panic and anxiety attacks can be attributed to excessive stress, consumption of alcohol and drugs, chronic pain, side effects of medicines, phobias, trauma, excessive consumption of caffeine. Although different people may have this problem due to different reasons. To avoid this, people should meet a psychiatrist.

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These 3 symptoms are common

Some symptoms of panic and anxiety attacks are also similar. Among these, increased heart rate, difficulty in breathing and feeling like fear are important. All these symptoms are serious only in very few cases. The surprising thing is that panic and anxiety attacks are considered disorders, but they are not clinically defined. Doctors or mental health professionals treat patients based on symptoms.

Major differences between panic and anxiety attacks

Panic attack can be triggered without any reason. An anxiety attack occurs as a reaction to extreme stress or danger.
Panic attacks happen suddenly, while anxiety attacks develop slowly and appear later. It doesn’t happen suddenly.
In a panic attack, you start getting very upset and a feeling of isolation arises. The symptoms of anxiety attack are sometimes less, sometimes more.
– Panic attack is cured in 5-20 minutes, whereas anxiety attack can last for several hours or even for several days.

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Tags: Anxiety, Health, Lifestyle, Trending news


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