Moosewala’s new song will be released on Diwali, mother Charan Kaur posted the poster Punjabi news


Punjab News Along with releasing the poster of Moosewala song Sidhu Musewala (unlikely) Charan Kaur’s mother also wrote a message – My Babbar Sher and your brother have arrived. It is not easy to push it back, so it would be better to clear the way. The lyrics of this song have not been disclosed by the family yet. With the release of the poster, once again Sidhu Moosewala and Geet Watch Out have started being trolled on social media.

Chorni was listened to by 5.4 crore people on YouTube

Before this song, the song Chorni was released on 8 July 2023. to whom youtube (Youtube) 5.4 crore people have seen so far. The special but sad thing about this song was that Musewala’s song Morni was stolen before its release. But despite this the fans considered this song special and listened to it a lot. This song was heard by 2 lakh people in the first two hours.

Four songs of Moosewala were released after the murder

Sidhu Moosewala was murdered. After this, a total of 4 songs have been released so far. SYL song was released on 23 June 2022. In which Musewala Punjabi (Punjab) The issue of waters was raised. This song has received 2.7 crore views in 72 hours. After which this song was banned in India.

While the second song was War. Which was released last year on November 8 on the birth anniversary of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Moosewala dedicated this song to Hari Singh Nalwa, the general of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. While the third song Mera Naam was released on 7 April 2023.
