know how to maintain vaginal hygiene.- If you want to avoid UTI and vaginal infection, do not do these 5 mistakes


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Taking care of intimate hygiene should be the first need for every woman. It is important to pay attention to intimate hygiene not only during periods, but also in day to day life. It is the most sensitive part of our body. Which comes first in contact with bacteria. A little carelessness in this can also lead to infection. Here we are talking about those 5 mistakes, which can cause vaginal infection for anyone.

Negligence in intimate hygiene can also make you vulnerable to UTI or other diseases. Now when it comes to hygiene, just taking care of cleanliness is not enough. Rather, it is also necessary to pay attention to every little thing, which is related to intimate hygiene. Today, talking deeply on this topic, we will know what things we should pay attention to the most during intimate hygiene.

It is important to avoid these 5 mistakes to maintain intimate hygiene

Using an old razor can be harmful to your intimate area. Image: Shutterstock

1. Using an old razor

Most women prefer to use razor for bikini hair removal. Keeping in mind the hygiene, this method is safe, but it is equally important to take care of the hygiene of the same product.

According to experts, using an old razor can be harmful for your intimate area. Old razors tend to be harsh, so using them can cause skin irritation, razor burn, and rapid hair growth. Old razor also increases the risk of cuts, which can cause skin infections and spread of diseases.

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2. Use of harsh and scented soaps

Often we become dependent on the chemical products of the market for intimate hygiene. Which is harming our intimate health somewhere.

According to Dr. Ritu Sethi, Senior Consultant, the use of chemical-rich scented soaps imbalances the pH level of the vagina, which causes vaginal dryness. Therefore, use only lukewarm water to clean the vagina. Also you mild Feminine wash or body wash can also be used. Along with this, do not use loofah and thick clothes.

3. Clean the intimate area with forceps

Do not leave the vagina wet after urinating. Talking on this question, Dr. Ritu Sethi explains that leaving the vagina wet can cause vaginal infection. Therefore, after urinating, gently clean the vagina with tissue from front to back. Cleaning fast or hastily can make your problem worse. Due to this you may have to face the problem of rashes and overdry.

4. Choosing the wrong underwear

Experts believe that instead of tight underwear, soft and cotton underwear should be used. Because tight underwear affects intimate health a lot. Due to this, the air contact is reduced, which can also cause skin infection, itching. A 2005 research by the same National Institute of Health revealed that string underwear does not affect the microenvironment of the vulvar skin. Also, no effect of underwear on skin pH was observed.

Not changing the period product for a long time can lead to bacterial and fungal infections. Image: shutterstock

5. Not changing period products for a long time

Gynecologists believe that not changing the period product for a long time can lead to bacterial and fungal infections. Due to this, the person may have itching in the vagina, skin rashes, peeling of the skin or bad smell along with the risk of leucorrhoea. It has also been found in research, most of the UTIs can be due to prolonged use of period products.

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