Know how seeds are good for your hair health.


Environmental pollution, chemical products, parlor treatments, lack of essential nutrients in the body make the hair weak from the root. Because of which the problem of hair fall has become a major cause of trouble for many people. To get rid of this, people use different types of products and spend thousands of rupees on it. Despite this, people do not see any proper improvement. However, taking the help of home remedies and hair friendly methods is also important for hair. But it is more important to have important nutrients in the body.

Keeping all these things in mind, today we have brought for you, information about such special seeds (Seeds for hair growth) which are very important for a healthy hair growth. Apart from including them in your diet, you can also apply them on your hair. Using them will be beneficial for you in both ways. So let’s know how it works for your hair.

These 6 types of special seeds will help you in healthy hair growth (Seeds for hair growth)

fenugreek seeds

From the problem of hair fall to healthy hair growth, fenugreek seeds are considered very effective. Consuming fenugreek seeds is considered a healthy option for hair growth. At the same time, it helps in maintaining the health of the scalp and is effective in the problem of dandruff.

Fenugreek seeds are rich in protein, niacin, amino acids and potassium, according to Pub Med Central. All these nutrients are very important for hair growth. You can eat them raw, soaked or sprouted. Along with this, it would also be appropriate to use a hair mask made of fenugreek.

Pumpkin seeds are beneficial for hair. Image: shutterstock

Pumpkin Seeds

According to PubMed Central, pumpkin seeds contain significant amounts of zinc, selenium, copper, vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C. All these nutrients control hair fall and prevent hair thinning. Also brings shine to your hair. You can include them in your diet by dry roasting them.

Also can be added to smoothies, oatmeal, granola bars, pancake mix. Even butter is made from pumpkin seeds. Apply it on your toast. Do not eat more than 30 grams of pumpkin seeds in a day.

Sesame seeds

Proper nutrition is needed for good hair growth. On the other hand, there are many important nutrients present in sesame which help in maintaining the health of the hair. Both black and white sesame are an excellent source of many important vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. It strengthens the hair and gives it shine. You can use them to make laddoos and also use them in your everyday dishes like beans, fries, salads etc. Or consuming one spoon of roasted sesame in a day would also be appropriate.

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Sunflower Seeds

The nutrients present in sunflower seeds protect the hair from damage caused by environmental pollution. Also, reduce the effect caused by free radicals. It is an excellent source of zinc and omega 3 fatty acids, which promote healthy hair growth. You can add them to mix seeds or simply roast them and have them as snacks.

It is also a good idea to sprinkle them on your breakfast oats, yogurt, soups, smoothies, vegetables and salads. According to experts, do not eat more than 30 grams of sunflower seeds in a day.

Must eat these seeds for hair health. Image: shutterstock

Kalonji seeds

According to a study published in the Journal of Tropical Medicine, fennel seeds provide adequate nutrition to your hair follicles. Thus helping in better hair growth. Also, there is a great solution to the problem of hair fall. The anti-fungal and antioxidant properties present in Kalonji further enhance its quality. Kalonji protects the scalp from infection and provides it with the necessary nourishing nutrition.

flax seeds

Alsi seeds ie flax seeds are effective in the problem of hair fall. Along with promoting hair growth, it provides adequate strength to the hair. Their intake controls the blood sugar level and cholesterol level, due to which the problems of unnecessary hair loss and breakage do not bother you. Flaxseeds are an excellent source of protein, magnesium, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, phosphorus, etc. All these nutrients keep the hair follicles healthy.

They can be roasted and taken in snacks or can be used to make roti and bread in flour by making their powder. Also sprinkle it in regular foods.

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