know how Bichu buti or nettle tea is good for your weight loss.- Bichu buti or nettle tea is beneficial in weight loss.


If you have come to hilly areas like Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh etc., then you have to refrain from touching the bushes and trees. Because it is possible that your hand will be touched by Stinging Nettle. This may cause a tingling sensation in your hand for a while. But don’t be afraid, nettle is a medicinal plant. It can help in reducing problems like joint pain, difficulty in passing urine, heart problem, high cholesterol. Do you know that if you drink nettle or nettle tea, then you can also get help in weight loss (Nettle Tea Benefits Weight Loss).

Apart from tea, Nettle Tea Leaves are also consumed in the form of greens.

Bichu Booti, โ€‹โ€‹Bichhu Booti or Stinging Nettle or Nettle grows as a wild plant especially in the hills, forests, roadside of Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh. The local people here eat it by making greens. Nettle leaves are also eaten steamed like spinach. As the name suggests, the entire plant consists of small needle-like structures resembling hairs. These hair follicles act like needles when they come in contact with the skin. Through them, chemicals are released into the skin, which cause a stinging sensation and a rash.

Rich in Antioxidants (Nettle Leaves Nutrients)

According to a research article published in the journal Molecules, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin K are found in the leaves of nettle or stinging nettle or nettle (Urtica Dioica). It contains minerals like iron, selenium, zinc and magnesium. Fatty acids such as alpha-linolenic acid, several antioxidants such as polyphenols, carotenoids and terpenoids, and sterols are also present.

All of these may be present in nettle tea. Apart from Asian countries, it also occurs in North America and Europe. It has been used in traditional folk medicine for centuries.

plucking leaves without knowledge can be dangerous

In the journal Molecules, researcher Hubert reports that nettles grown in continental Europe do not have hair follicles. But nettle growing in Asian countries has this composition. That’s why the method of breaking the leaves is different. Breaking it yourself without knowledge can also be dangerous. Because a plant that looks like it is poisonous. Nettle tea is also available in the market in the form of nettle capsule and tincture.

Nettle tea has been used in traditional folk medicine for centuries. Image: Adobe Stock

Nettle Tea Benefits Weight Loss

According to a research article published in the Helion Journal, nettle tea has antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. Also reduces water retention caused by sodium. It is also diuretic. If your body is bloated with water, then drinking nettle tea will cure it. It also acts as a blood purifierเฅค

It controls the weight of the body by taking out the toxins from the body, so you can include nettle tea in your daily routine. Due to astringent properties, it eases period cramps, bloating and blood flow. It is a great option for women going through menopause. May also act as a restorativeเฅค

Try Nettle Tea Instead of Coffee or Tea

If you drink coffee or tea with milk in the morning, you can replace it with nettle tea.

nettle tea is fayde
Drinking nettle tea daily will not only help you in weight loss but will also strengthen your bones. Image: Shutter Stock

Drinking nettle tea on a daily basis will not only help you in weight loss, but will also make you feel energetic due to the flushing out of toxins from the body.

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