know 5 triggers that nudge kids


Sometimes a child sitting quietly in a corner starts talking to himself. He suppresses the questions arising in his mind thinking that someone will scold him. Now he hesitates even to step out of the house fearing that someone will make fun of him. On the other hand, the parents avoid the matter thinking that it is capricious. He will play automatically when he wants to. This attitude of parents can spoil the mental health of children (nudging For Kids).

In fact, unless the parents fully participate in every work with the children, they will not move forward. Many times it happens that in the name of making them independent, parents start running away from their responsibilities. Know some trigger points of increasing mental imbalance in children.

It is the first responsibility of the parents to focus on the mental health of the children. Parenting coach Dr. Pallavi Rao says about this that over protecting the child Sometimes it works to stop its growth. Monitor the children instead of helping them in everything they do.

Children are prone to stress and anxiety regarding body image. Image: shutterstock

Due to these reasons children start feeling pressure on themselves

1. Parental trigger

Parenting coach Dr. Pallavi Rao says that parental triggers prove to be the most important reason for a child’s mental stress. It is wrong to compare your child’s habits with other children and to expect more from them. Sometimes the reason for the child development not being complete is the separation of the parents or lack of involvement of the parents in the child’s education and other activities. There are many parents who try to scold, beat and punish the child on every issue. Its very deep effect also acts as an obstacle in the development of the child.

2. Social triggers

Society works to influence children in many ways. Those effects can be positive as well as negative. According to Dr. Pallavi, the children learn everything from the society where they live. Sometimes the discrimination done on the basis of gender, sometimes the pressure of performing well in every field and getting ahead of other children has a deep impact on the mind of the children. Children start feeling themselves as losers inside. Sometimes children also have to face bullying. It is very important to try to understand the condition of the children.

3. Physical trigger

This is the situation when the child is seeing many changes in his body. Hormonal changes make children very upset at times. It also takes time for the child to accept them. He starts focusing on how I will look now. Apart from this, sometimes sexual abuse and physical abuse can also prove to be the cause of mental imbalance of the child.

children stress
Many times it happens that in the name of making them independent, parents start running away from their responsibilities. images adobe stock

4. Technological Trigger

Nowadays everyone is using tab, mobile and laptop. In this, many times children also download some such applications, which start becoming a problem for them. In such a situation, it is important to keep an eye on the screen type and screen type of the children. According to Dr. Pallavi, we have to pay attention to how long the child is indulging in active screen time and how much time is spent on passive. If the child is learning something, then it proves to be effective in his mental development. Not only this, cyber bullying also affects the child’s mind.

5. Environmental triggers

Experts say that even the events happening around us change children’s thinking Does the work of Someone’s birth, death or illness can sometimes take children into shock. Even after changing the environment or changing the school, the child becomes silent. Avoids coming in contact with anyone. Sometimes he starts crying sitting alone. All these symptoms indicate that the child is mentally unstable.

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If we want to equip our children with good manners and good skills, then there are some things we should not do. Image: shutterstock

Take special care of these things

Failure teaches a lot in life. Do not try to win the child all the time.

Due to this, confidence will not be built in the child.

Let people interact and stop interrupting them.

screen time Let’s divide it into two parts active and passive.

Involve children in your decisions and value their opinion.

Allow children to fall and be handled, so that they can move forward firmly in any situation. Don’t try to support him everywhere.

Instead of pleasing children by giving them gifts, spend time with them.

read this also- If both parents have myopia, then keeping these 5 things in mind can save children from vision defects.


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