How to know if chest pain is a heart attack? Apollo’s cardiologist told 5 big signs, never ignore



If the pain starts from the chest and reaches the jaws, then it can be a red signal.
Pain can increase on touching the ribs and chest during muscle pain in the chest.

Chest Pain & Heart Attack: Many people get confused due to chest pain. Some people think that it is the pain of heart attack, while some people consider it as acidity or muscle pain. It is absolutely true that sometimes there is acidity or muscle pain and it has no connection with heart attack. In many cases, people ignore chest pain and it comes out in the form of a heart attack. Experts never advise to ignore chest pain. Doing so can prove fatal. Now the question arises that whether chest pain is due to heart attack or not, how to identify it? Let us know the important things about this from the cardiologist.

of New Delhi Dr. Vanita Arora, Senior Consultant, Department of Cardiology, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital She says that people usually mistake chest pain due to heart attack as gastritis, acidity or muscle pain. When you put your hand on the chest or ribs in muscular pain, the pain will increase, while there is no change in the pain by applying hand or pressing the chest in the condition of pain due to heart attack. On the other hand, due to acidity, there is a burning sensation in the middle of the chest and walking around gives relief. If you feel a burning sensation in your chest and get relief by walking, then it should be understood that it is acidity.

These signs are seen in the condition of heart attack

If there is chest pain due to heart attack, then it is continuous. This pain increases a lot by walking.
– If there is left side pain in the chest and is reaching the shoulder or hands, then it can be a sign of heart attack.
If the pain starts from the chest and reaches the jaws, then a doctor should be consulted. This can be a symptom of an attack.
Sometimes the chest pain reaches to the neck as well and increases continuously. Such pain should be taken seriously.
– If there is tightness in your chest and it seems that a burden has been placed on it, then it can be a sign of heart attack.

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Tags: Health, Heart attack, Heart Disease, Lifestyle, Trending news


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