Health Tips: Know at what time of the day you should not eat apples, it can harm your health


Apples contain vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and various minerals that are very beneficial for our body. But do you know when not to eat apples?

Apples contain sugar and fructose, which keep the body active and disrupt sleep. So one should avoid eating apple before going to bed at night.

Consuming apples with meals puts extra pressure on the digestive system. The fiber and hard foods in apples can make digestion difficult.

One should give some time to digest the food and then eat the apple. So apple should be consumed at least 1-2 hours after meal.

Eating apples in the evening can cause stomach problems at night. The sugar and fructose in apples can disturb your sleep.

Eating apples in the evening can cause acidity, gas or stomach pain.


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